Reports > USPTO Annual Reports
Collage showing images with one-word descriptors from the U S P T O Fiscal Year 2007 Performance and Accountability Report cover that reinforces the report's tagline of Transforming for the Future Today.
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2007
Management's Discussion and Analysis

Table of Contents | Management | Financial | Auditor | IG | Other

Banner with Management discussion and analysis section title.


3.1  Mission and Organization of the USPTO

3.2  Performance Goals and Results

3.2.1  USPTO Strategic Plan

3.2.2  Strategic Goal 1: Optimize Patent Quality and Timeliness

3.2.3  Strategic Goal 2: Optimize Trademark Quality and Timeliness

3.2.4  Strategic Goal 3: Improve Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Domestically and Abroad

3.2.5  Management Goal: Achieve Organizational Excellence

3.3  Management Challenges

3.4  What’s Ahead?

3.5  Accompanying Information on USPTO Performance

3.5.1  The President's Management Agenda

3.5.2  Performance Audits and Evaluations  Performance Data Verification and Validation  Performance Goal 1: Optimize Patent Quality and Timeliness  Performance Goal 2: Optimize Trademark Quality and Timeliness  Performance Goal 3: Improve Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Domestically and Abroad  Commissioner’s Performance for FY 2007

3.6  Management Assurances and Compliance with Laws and Regulations

3.7  Financial Highlights

3.7.1  Budgetary Resources and Requirements

3.7.2  Results of Operations

3.7.3  Financial Statements

3.7.4  Statement of Budgetary Resources

3.7.5  Statement of Net Cost

3.7.6  Earned Revenue

3.7.7  Program Costs

3.7.8  Balance Sheet and Statement of Changes in Net Position

3.7.9  Limitation on Financial Statements

3.7.10  Management Responsibilities


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