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Image of Dr. Neal Kaske

Dr. Neal Kaske

Avenues to Library Services:
User Preferences

Presented as a LIVE Cybercast -
January 15, 2003

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A model depicting customers of library reference services and the librarians providing these services in both synchronous and asynchronous settings will be presented and explored with the audience during this lecture. Careful attention will be given to library Chat Services, the newest form of reference service. Time pressure, level of knowledge, current location, and available and preferred means of communications are some of the factors to be explored from the customer’s perspective. In the librarian and library portion of the model, the availability, knowledge, skills and abilities of reference staff, individuals’ and libraries’ philosophies of reference will be investigated. The goal of this part of the presentation is a shared understanding, not necessarily agreement, of the different factors at play in the question-answering reference process in different settings with emphasis on the newest service mode, Chat. Methodologies to evaluate libraries’ and librarians’ performances in providing this new reference service will also be offered.


Dr. Neal Kaske is currently Manager of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Library at the University of Maryland Libraries in College Park. He is also an adjunct faculty member in the College of Information Studies. His areas of research interest are information system evaluations and reference service effectiveness. He is a member of the University Senate and serves on the Advisory Board for Gemstone, a four year honors undergraduate program. He is active in the American Library Association, in particular the Library Research Round Table. He also serves on the editorial board for the new journal, portal: Libraries and the Academy, writes a column titled “Research: Theory and Application,” and is an active mentor in portal’s first time authors program. Before joining the University of Maryland he was a program officer for the U. S. Department of Education, Library Programs, where he directed discretionary library research and demonstration grants. He has also worked in research and research management at OCLC, Inc. and has been a faculty member at the universities of Alabama and Case Western Reserve. Neal's Ph.D. is in industrial engineering - library systems management from the University of Oklahoma. He also has a master's degree in Librarianship and a BA in sociology.


Baughman, M. Sue and Neal K. Kaske. "Research: Theory and Applications: Impact of Organizational Learning" forthcoming in portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol.2, no4, 2002.

Arnold, Julie and Neal K. Kaske. "We've Come So Far & Have Miles To Go" competed paper give at the Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington, DC, March 14, 2002 and is available at This paper will be submitted for publication later this summer.

Kaske, Neal K. and Julie Arnold. "An Unobtrusive Evaluation of Online Real Time Library Reference Services" competed paper give at the Library Research Round Table, American Library Association, Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15, 2002 and available at This paper will be submitted for publication later this summer.

Kaske, Neal K. "Dreams for Some and Nightmares for Others." portal: Libraries and the Academy 1(4)531-534 2001.

Kaske, Neal K. "Research on Digital Reference." portal: Libraries and the Academy 1(2)203-205 2001.

Kaske, Neal K. "Materials Availability Model and the Internet." Journal of Academic Librarianship 20(5/6)317-318, November 1994.

Kaske, Neal K. "College Library Technology and Cooperation Grants Program: An Overview." Library Hi Tech 12(2):47-60 Consecutive Issue 46, 1994.

Peters, Thomas A., Martin Kurth, Patricia Flaherty, Beth Sandore and Neal K. Kaske, "An Introduction to the Special Section on Transaction Log Analysis." Library Hi Tech 11(2):38-40 Consecutive Issue 42, 1993.

Kaske, Neal K. "Research Methodologies and Transaction Log Analysis: Issues, Questions, and a Proposed Model." Library Hi Tech 11(2):79-86, Consecutive Issue 42, 1993.

Beth Sandore, Patricia Flaherty, Neal K. Kaske, Martin Kurth, and Thomas Peters. "A Manifesto Regarding the Future of Transaction Log Analysis." Library Hi Tech 11(2):105-106, Consecutive Issue 42, 1993.

Peters, Thomas A., Neal K. Kaske, and Martin Kurth. "Transaction Log Analysis" In Library Hi Tech Bibliography. Volume 8., pages 151-184. Ann Arbor: Pierian Press, 1993.

Kaske, Neal K. College Library Technology and Cooperation Grants Program: Abstracts and Analysis of Funded Projects 1989, U.S. Department of Education, 1990 and Grant Announcement for 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993.

Kaske, Neal K. "The Variability of Subject Searching in an Online Public Access Catalog Over an Academic Year." In Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.

Kaske, Neal K.; Paulson, Peter. Guest editors for an issue of Bookmark titled "Uncovering Information: Subject Access to Information in Libraries" Spring 1989.

Kaske, Neal K. "Comparative Study of Subject Searching in an Online Public Access Catalog Among Branch Libraries of a University Library System." Information Technology and Libraries 7(4):359-372;1988 December.

Kaske, Neal K. A review of Text Retrieval: An Introduction edited by Ian Rowlands. London: Taylor Graham, 1987. Published in International Journal of Reviews in Library and Information Science 4(1):30-31;1988.

Kaske, Neal K. "The Variability and Intensity Over Time of Subject Searching in an Online Public Access Catalog." Information Technology and Libraries 7(3):273-287;1988 September.

Kaske, Neal K. A review of Management, Information and Expert Systems by F. Drechsler and J. Bateson. Great Britain: Irish Academic Press, 1986. Published in Information Processing & Management 23(4):384-385; 1987.

Kaske, Neal; Stephens, Annabel; Turner, Philip. "Alabama's Public Libraries as Seen by Patrons, Administrators, and Trustees." A research project conducted for the Alabama Public Library Service. Tuscaloosa: Graduate School of Library Service, University of Alabama. June 1986. 79p.

Kaske, Neal; Stephens, Annabel; Turner, Philip. "Alabama's Public Libraries as Seen by Patrons, Administrators, and Trustees: Executive Summary." Tuscaloosa: Graduate School of Library Service, University of Alabama. June 1986. 17p. Also available from ERIC (ED 288 522).

Kaske, Neal K. "Conference Summary: An Information Scientist's Viewpoint." In Changing Technology and Education for Librarianship and Information Science, (pp. 147-161) edited by Basil Stuart-Stubbs. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1985.

Kaske, Neal K. "Studies of Online Catalogs." In Online Catalogs/Reference Converging Trends, (pp. 20-30) edited by Brian Aveney and Brett Butler. Chicago: American Library Association, 1984.

Jacob, Mary Ellen; Kaske, Neal K. "Management Information Systems in a Network Environment." In Library Automation as a Source of Management Information, (pp. 111-127) edited by F. Wilfrid Lancaster. Urbana-Champaign: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1983.

Tolle, John E.; Sanders, Nancy P; Kaske, Neal. "Determining the Number of Online Catalog Terminals: A Research Study". Information Technology and Libraries 2(3):261-265;1983 September.

Kaske, Neal K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "A Comprehensive Study of Online Public Access Catalogs: An Overview and Application of Findings"; Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Report Number: OCLC/OPR/RR-83/4, 1983. 101p. Also available from ERIC (ED 231 404).

Kaske, Neal K. "Library Management Information Systems: Concept, Potential and Plan of Action." A paper given at the 1982 IFLA meeting in Montreal, Canada. (158|INF|STAT|4-E)

Kaske, Neal K.; Tolle, John E. "Terminal Requirements for Online Catalog in Libraries: A Final Report to the National Science Foundation." Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., June 1982.

Kaske, Neal K.; Hildreth, Charles R. "Online Public Access Systems: Data Collection Instruments for Patron and Systems Evaluation: A Final Report to the Council on Library Resources. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 1982.

Ferguson, Douglas, et al. "The CLR Public Online Catalog Study: An Overview." (co-author) Information Technology and Libraries 1(2):84-97; June 1982.

Dougherty, Richard M.; Heinritz, Fred J.; with the assistance of Neal K. Kaske. Scientific Management of Library Operations, second edition. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1982.

Kaske, Neal K. "Research Activities at OCLC." In Current Trends in Library Automation, (pp. 63-77) edited by Alex Ladenson. Chicago: Urban Libraries Council, 1981.

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." ALA Yearbook; A Review of Library Events 1980. Chicago: American Library Association; 1981; pp. 223.

Borgman, Christine L.; Kaske, Neal K. "Determining the Number of Terminals Required for an Online Catalog through Queueing Analysis of Catalog Traffic Data." In Public Access to Library Automation, edited by J. L. Divilbiss. Urbana-Champaign: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1981, pp. 20-26.

Kaske, Neal, K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "Research." In The ALA Yearbook; A Review of Library Events 1980. Chicago: American Library Association, 1981, pp. 254-261.

Kaske, Neal K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "A Library at your Fingertips--The Impetus and Implications." Innovative Telecommunications--Key to the Future. Proceedings of the National Telecommunications Conference; 1981 November 29 - December 3; New Orleans, Louisiana. New York: IEEE; 1981; 1:A84.1-4.4.

Kaske, Neal K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "Networking and the Electronic Library." Drexel Library Quarterly. 17(4); 65-76; Fall 1981. Note: reprinted in Media Spectrum 9(4):20-23; Fourth Quarter, 1982.

Kaske, Neal K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Subject Access: The View of the Library Patron." Benenfeld, Alan R; Kazlauskas, Edward John, eds. Communicating Information. Proceedings of the 43rd ASIS Annual Meeting; 1980 October 5-10; Anaheim, California. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications; 1980; 17:323-325.

Kaske, Neal K.; Rush, James E. "Library and Information Science Research." ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Chicago: American Library Association; 1980; pp. 317-320.

Kaske, Neal K.; Jones, William G. (co-chairs). Library Effectiveness: A State of the Art. Papers from a 1980 ALA pre-conference published by the Library Administration and Management Association, 1980. 413 p. OCLC record number 6744315.

Kaske, Neal K.; Aluri, Rao. "Analysis of Reference Statistics Reported in 1977 General Information Survey." Paper presented to the Library Research Round Table, annual conference of the American Library Association; 1980 June; New York. 31p. Also available from ERIC (ED 202 486).

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events 1979. Chicago: American Library Association; 1980; pp. 236-237.

Kaske, Neal K.; Sanders, Nancy P. "Online Subject Access: The Human Side of the Problem." RQ. 20(1); 52-58; Fall 1980.

Kaske, Neal K.; Ferguson, Douglas. On-Line Public Access to Library Bibliographic Data Bases: Developments, Issues, and Priorities: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, Inc., 1980. 79p. Also available from ERIC (ED 195 275).

Borgman, Christine L.; Kaske, Neal K. "Online Catalogs in the Public Library: A Study to Determine the Number of Terminals Required for Public Access." Benenfeld, Alan R; Kazlauskas, Edward John, eds. Communicating Information. Proceedings of the 43rd ASIS Annual Meeting; 1980 October 5-10; Anaheim, California. White Plains, New York: Knowledge Industry Publications; 1980; 17:273-275.

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." ALA Yearbook; A Review of Library Events 1978. Chicago: American Library Association; 1979; pp. 203-204.

Kaske, Neal K. "Library Utilization Studies: Time for Comparison." Library Journal 104(6)685-686; March 15, 1979.

Kaske, Neal K. "A New Catalog: Some Ideas on Its Purpose, Form, Cost, and Planning for It." Alternative Cataloging Newsletter 14; Summer 1979. Also available from ERIC (ED 176 728). This paper was first given as a talk at Mount Holyoke College for the New England Technical Services Librarians section of the New England Library Association, April 1979. OCLC record number 6895831.

Kaske, Neal K. "An Evaluation of Current Collection Utilization Methodologies and Findings." Collection Management 2(3): 187-199; Summer/Fall 1979.

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." In ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events 1977. Chicago: American Library Association, 1978; pp. 229-230.

Kaske, Neal K. A review of In-Service Training in British Libraries: Its Development and Present Practice by R. J. Edwards. Published in The Library Quarterly 48(3)365-336, July 1978.

Kaske, Neal K. A review of The Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services by F. W. Lancaster. Washington, D. C.: Information Resources Press, 1977. Published in the Journal of Library Automation 11(2)182-183 June 1978.

Kaske, Neal K. with the assistance of Anne Oja. A Book Detection System's Effectiveness and the Levels of Missing Materials at the University of California, Berkeley. Library Systems Office, The General Library, University of California, Berkeley. January, 1978. 71p. Also available from ERIC (ED 165 727). OCLC record number 6741279.

Kaske, Neal K. "Continuing Professional Education for Librarians: Can We Tell the Good From the Bad?." California Librarian 38(3)22-28 July 1977.
Kaske, Neal K. with the assistance of Anne Oja. A Report on the Level and Rate of Book Theft from the Main Stacks of the Doe Library at the University of California, Berkeley. Library Systems Office, The General Library, University of California, Berkeley. March, 1977. 70p. Also available from ERIC (ED 165 726). OCLC record numbers 7643114 and 9512396.

Russell, Patrick J., et al. "The Future of the General Library Catalogs." (co-author) Committee on Bibliographical Control, The General Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1976.

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." In ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events 1976. Chicago: American Library Association, 1977; pp. 239-240.

Kaske, Neal K. A review of Libraries and Work Sampling by John S. Goodell. Littleton, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1975. Published in The Journal of Academic Librarianship 2(2)91-92 May 1976.

Kaske, Neal K. "Moffitt Undergraduate Library Book Loss Study." Library Security Newsletter 2(1)6-7 Spring 1976.

Kaske, Neal K. "Personnel and Employment Practices--Performance Appraisal." In ALA Yearbook: A Review of Library Events 1976. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976; p. 260.

Kaske, Neal K.; Thompson, Donald D. "A Report on the Moffitt Undergraduate Library Book Theft Study." Library Systems Office, The General Library, University of California, Berkeley, March 1975. 20p. Also available form ERIC (ED 129 234). OCLC record number 3547748.

Kaske, Neal K. "Staff Development." A quarterly column in Special Libraries, editor, 1975, issues: January, pp. 50-51; March, p. 173; September, p. 499; November, pp. 553-554.

Kaske, Neal K. "To Read." A column in OLPR Bulletin. 1974, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 5-7, and vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 11-13.

Kaske, Neal K. "Berkeley Produces Review Guidelines." In LAUC Newsletter 2(4)4-5 December 1974.

Kaske, Neal K. "Effectiveness of Library Operations: A Management Information Systems Approach," dissertation. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma, 1973.

Kaske, Neal K. "Technical Services Department, Howard University Libraries: A Survey Report." Norman, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Management and Engineering Consultants, Inc., 2 August 1972. OCLC record number 4312731.

Boylan, Nancy, et al. "A Systems Study of a University Library Circulation Department." (co-author) Norman, Oklahoma: School of Industrial Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 1971. OCLC record number 4697792.

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