E-Gov & IT Related Memoranda
FY2008 E-Government Act Reporting Instructions
(September 2008, PDF)
FY 2008 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Management
(July 2008, PDF)
Cost Savings Achieved Through E-Government and Line of Business Initiatives
(August 2006, PDF)
Attachment B - Baseline Cost Reporting Template
(August 2006, XLS)FY2006 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act
(July 2006, PDF)SmartBUY Agreement with Oracle
(August 2005, PDF)Implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 – Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors
(August 2005, PDF)Improving Information Technology (IT) Project Planning and Execution
(August 2005, PDF)Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
(August 2005, PDF)Regulation on Maintaining Telecommunication Services During a Crisis or Emergency in Federally-owned Buildings
(June 2005, PDF)FY 2005 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Management
Designation of Senior Agency Officials for Privacy
(February 2005, PDF)Electronic Signatures: How to Mitigate the Risk of Commercial Managed Services
(December 2004, PDF)Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites
(December 2004, PDF)Personal Use Policies and “File Sharing” Technology
FY2004 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act
(August 2004, PDF, 740kb)Expanded Electronic Government (E-Gov) President’s Management Agenda (PMA) Scorecard Cost, Schedule and Performance Standard for Success
Updated Administration Research and Development Budget Priorities
(August 2004, PDF, 352kb)Policies and Procedures for Software Acquisition
Information Technology (IT) Project Manager (PM) Qualification Guidance
(July 2004, PDF, 56kb)Preparing, Submitting, and Executing the Budget
(July 2004, PDF, 48kb)FY 2004 Funding and Advance Planning Guidance for FY 2005—FY 2006
(June 2004, PDF, 60kb)Memorandum for the President’s Management Council (Re:
(March 2004, PDF, 152kb)Maximizing Use of SmartBuy and Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the President’s 24 E-Gov Initiative
(February 2004, PDF, 88kb)Clarification of Passback Language to Grant-Making Agencies
E-Authentication Guidance for Federal Agencies
(December 2003, PDF, 128kb)OMB Issues FIND Policy
Implementation Guidance for the E-Government Act of 2002
(August 2003, PDF, 192kb)