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The Geospatial One-Stop Initiative provides Federal and state agencies with a single point of access to map-related data enabling the sharing of existing data. This is done in order to maximize geospatial investments to leverage resources and reduce redundancies.

Currently, 26 federal agencies and 50 states have geospatial data.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY08 Target Description/Context
% of Federal agencies with agreements to post data sets to 100% Q3 FY07 100% 26 out of a total of 26 agencies have agreements to post data sets to
% of states posting state and local data sets to 98% Q1 FY08 100% 49 out of a total of 50 states are posting state and local data sets to South Dakota is the remaining state without State site publishing. SD has many federal records published by Eros Data Center.
% of geographic information system users using 26% Q1 FY08 5% Growth There are an estimated 500,000 potential GIS users in the US. Of these we estimate that at most 20% of these GIS users may be searching for data in a given month. Metric is calculated as # of unique uses/100,000 estimated GIS users searching for data.
# of visits to per month 74,000 As of Q1 FY08 65,200  
% of customers referred to data sets or owner of data sets through Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 A referral is a lead to a data set or information regarding a data set.
% of data sets accessed Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 Available Q3 FY08 The number of data sets accessed out of the total number of data sets housed on the site.
% of partnership opportunities accessed 52% Q1 FY08 50% As of Q1FY08, the measurement of this metric has changed – this explains the decrease in percentages. This metric is now measured by number of partnership marketplace opportunities accessed out of the total number of records in the marketplace instead of out of new records.
Customer satisfaction with 5.9 Q2 FY08 6 Customer satisfaction is measured on a scale of 0-100 using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).
Cost avoidance through data acquisition partnerships Not Available Not Available Available Q3 FY08 The portal 'Partnership Marketplace' encourages voluntary reporting on cost savings achieved through discovered partnerships. This data is strictly voluntary from marketplace publishers and may not be provided to Any cost savings reported through the portal will most likely be just a small sample of the actual savings achieved in the year.

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