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Welcome to the Award Winning Achievements in Research & Development System (AWARDS). The Laboratory Technology Transfer Division and Science and Technology Base Programs are collaborating to create a system to collect and make available Laboratory employees information about their scientific awards and honors. This information will be available for internal and public viewing in the near future.

AWARD Organizations

For a listing of current awards and honors we are compiling, see award descriptions. You will find a listing of award organizations and honors currently entered into the system. For a brief description about the organization, click any hyperlink.

Submitting Awards

List all scientific awards or honors you have received. Go to the Submit Award menu option and complete the simple, easy to follow form. Complete the form with as much detail as possible. Once submitted, the information will be forwarded to your division contact (Chief of Staff) for verification and documentation. Division approval will be submitted to AWARDS and entered into the database.

Current AWARDS Recipients

Your assistance is critical for us to populate and verify that the information we currently have stored in the system is correct. The best way to see if you are in the system is to run an Award Report. You can select Award Reports from the menu options and type your name as the award recipient. Click Generate Report to view any awards currently stored. If no information is retrieved, no awards are listed. You can also run Report for All AWARD Recipients from LANL. This will generate a list with all employees who are entered into the system. Again, please look for your name to verify if you are in the system incorrectly or if an award or honor is missing.

Currently only R&D 100 and E.O. Lawrence Awards are listed. Your input is critical to populate this system.

Updating Award Information

If any award information is incorrect or needs to be updated, please send email to awards@lanl.gov with the correct and‘or updated information. Again, information will be verified by your division contact before the award is corrected and‘or updated.


If you would like to participate in the AWARDS Discussions about current development, add award categories, or provide general comments, submit your Feedback. All suggestions and comments are welcome. All comments will be submitted to the AWARDS Committee for consideration.

For immediate assistance, contact Cindy Boone at 505-667-1229 or boone@lanl.gov.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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