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X Windows Requirements and Use


What kind of X Windows environment do I need to run Ferret?

Explanation: A compilation of notes from various sources in the Ferret documentation

From the Users Guide:

Ferret runs on most Unix systems, and on Windows NT/9x using X windows for display.

When installing or updating Ferret, check the installation guide for your system, from the Ferret Downloads page for requirements and instructions regarding the x window and x server configuration.

To get graphical output from Ferret at your workstation, you must have the X Windows environment variable DISPLAY defined properly. Set the variable to point to the workstation screen where you want Ferret graphical output displayed. In the example below graphics output will be sent to the screen of workatation anorak.

% setenv DISPLAY anorak:0.0

If you are running X windows on the same system where Ferret is running, the setting is just :0.0

% setenv DISPLAY :0.0

You can also set this variable using the Control Panel of your PC. Open the control panel, open up System, and choose the Environment tab. At the bottom of the window add Variable DISPLAY and set its Value to anorak:0.0

Notes for Windows Systems:

You must have a running X server

The X display must be set for indexed color (a.k.a. PseudoColor) -- maximum 65K colors. This is relevant to PC and MAC X software and to systems that have 3D graphics hardware installed.

If a graphics window that was obscured by another window appears to be fully or partially blank after the obscuring window is moved, or if the graphics in a window are drawn incorrectly after the window is resized, then try typing:

yes? set mode refresh
and redrawing the graphic.

Some items from the Ferret v4.90 Release notes:

Last modified: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 [an error occurred while processing this directive]