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Map Projections in Viewports


How can I get the right aspect ratio for map projections in viewports?


[Output Graphic]


The above graphic was created using the mp_viewport_aspect.jnl script.
   set win/size=.4/aspect=`11/8.5` ! set up desired page size and aspect
   use coads_climatology
   set grid sst                    ! out of habit, for map projections
   shade sst[l=1]                  ! to initialize the window
   set region/x=80w:40e/y=30n:80n
   go mp_bonne
   go margins 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.8      ! to specify narrow margins
   go mp_viewport_aspect 0 1 0 1 mp_vp1
   shade/noaxis/nolabel sst[l=7], x_page, y_page
   go mp_fland
   go mp_label 340 85 0 0 .3 "@TRJuly SST"
   go mp_viewport_aspect 0 1 0.5 1 mp_vp2
   shade/noaxis/nolabel sst[l=1], x_page, y_page
   go mp_fland
   go mp_label 340 85 0 0 .3 "@TRJanuary SST"

Further information on the use of this script is available inside the script.

Last modified: Jun 18, 1999