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Tuesday, May 27


10:20 a.m.                   Alumni March & Exercises                 Diagonal Walk & Thayer Statue


11 a.m.                        Alumni Review                                    The Plain



Wednesday, May 28


1 – 2:30 p.m.               Superintendent’s Reception for          Quarters 100 Garden

                                    Parents & Guests of 1st Regiment


3 – 4:30 p.m.               Superintendent’s Reception for          Quarters 100 Garden

                                    Parents & Guests of 2nd Regiment



Thursday, May 29


11 a.m.                        Superintendent’s Award Review         The Plain


1 – 2:30 p.m.               Superintendent’s Reception for          Quarters 100 Garden

                                    Parents & Guests of 3rd Regiment


3 – 4:30 p.m.               Superintendent’s Reception for          Quarters 100 Garden

                                    Parents & Guests of 4th Regiment


7 p.m.                          Baccalaureate Services                     Various Chapels



Friday, May 30


10:30 a.m.                   Graduation Parade                              The Plain


7 p.m.                          Graduation Banquet                            Cadet Mess


9 p.m.                          Graduation Hop                                   Eisenhower Hall


2 p.m.                          Awards Convocation* Eisenhower Hall Theater



Saturday, May 31


7 a.m.                          Gates Open                                        Michie Stadium


10 a.m.                        Graduation Exercise                           Michie Stadium


                                    Bar Pinning Ceremonies                    Various Locations

                                    Following Graduation


- Handicapped parking for the Graduation Banquet on Friday is in Clinton Lot. Personnel may be dropped off at the MacArthur statue.


- Handicapped parking for the Graduation Ceremony in Michie Stadium on Saturday is in A and B lots. This is a change.


The events, dates, times & locations are excellent for planning purposes.  Additional information will be added periodically.  This information was reviewed and verified May 21, 2008. Always check with your cadet.

*Selected cadets