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Coordinating Office for Global Health - DGPHCD

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The India Field Epidemiology Training Program

In January 2001, the Indian Government established an FETP based in the National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) in Chennai (formerly Madras), Tamil Nadu State, India. This FETP is one of many institutes of the Indian Council for Medical Research [link to the India FETP org chart] (ICMR) which focuses on infectious disease research. Linkages with other institutes and State partners enable the FETP trainees to undertake investigations of emerging infectious diseases and other public health threats, and help foster linkages with the public health laboratories in the country.

With assistance from DGPHCD, the NIE developed a curriculum for a two-year Masters of Applied Epidemiology (MAE) program, established necessary academic linkages with Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Kerala, and enrolled their first class in January 2001.

In 2004, the program acquired a resident advisor who provides quality supervision and mentoring for the field experiences of the trainees in several States. FETP graduates serve as field mentors and expand in-service training in disease detection and response regionally.

Partners Accomplishments
So far, with the three cohorts, trainees and faculty have participated in following investigations (*asterisk denotes completed report with a presentation):

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Content Source: Coordinating Office for Global Health
Page last modified: October 14, 2008