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Coordinating Office for Global Health - DGPHCD

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The Central Asia Field Epidemiology Training Program

For nearly 20 years, CDC’s international health specialists have collaborated with Ministries of Health (MOHs) around the world to establish and conduct FETPs for specialists in epidemiology.

These programs are modeled on the Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC’s primary applied epidemiology training program. The 2-year training and service programs are designed for health professionals in entry- or mid-level positions and are intended to assist in building capacity in applied epidemiology and enhanced public health practice.

CDC/CAR, in collaboration with USAID and the MOHs in the Central Asia Region (CAR), have developed self-sustaining institutionalized capacity to train public health workers in applied epidemiology while providing epidemiological services to the public health system at national, regional, and local levels.

The learning philosophy and methodology is adult learning through on-the-job training and problem solving. FETP trainees are assigned tutors who guide and supervise their work in direct coordination with the FETP national and international program directors. A traditional program consists of 20% classroom teaching and assignments and 80% fieldwork.

Partners Objectives

Support MOH priorities in the identification, investigation, documentation, and dissemination of information about existing and emerging health problems, and in the development and implementation of disease prevention programs, through a trained cadre of applied public health epidemiologists.

Strengthen the capacity of the MOH to respond to public health threats, and to integrate activities that require similar control and response skills, by training leaders in applied epidemiology while providing epidemiologic services to the MOH.

Accomplishments Future Plans

Twenty-three studies planned

Contact Information

For more information contact Matt Morrison at or visit the website at

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Content Source: Coordinating Office for Global Health
Page last modified: October 14, 2008