Meningococcal Disease Downloads

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Please select which components you wish to download from the choices below:

Meningococcal Disease Technical Guidelines in PDF format Meningococcal Disease Exercise Book in PDF format Meningococcal Disease Slide Set (black & white) in PDF format

The Facilitator's Guide has been broken down into smaller files for faster downloading. Please download all files and place them in the same directory.

Session I & II: Introduction & Meningococcal - The Disease and Epidemiology Session III: Detection and Confirmation of An Epidemic of Meningococcal Disease Session IV: Field Investigation-Analysis and Use of Results Session V: Responding to a Suspected or Confirmed Meningococcal Disease  Epidemic Session VI, VII, & VIII: Health Education, Being Prepared For An Epidemic, & Workshop Follow-Up and Self Study Projects

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