Coos Bay Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Coos Bay Record of Decision

Coos Bay District Resource Management Plan Table of Contents:

- Tables

- Figures

- Maps

- Appendices

Relationship of the RMP to BLM Policies, Programs and Other Plans

The BLM in western Oregon developed five other RMPs concurrently with this one. The six RMPs together cover all BLM-administered lands in western Oregon. Some lands administered by the Eugene District to the north, and the Roseburg and Medford Districts to the east, adjoin lands being addressed in this plan. On other lands these districts administer there is shared management of certain resource or administrative features (e.g., watersheds and road networks). Cooperation is occurring in the planning for management of these lands.

The Draft RMP/EIS was supplemented by the SEIS. The SEIS ROD, signed jointly by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture, required the Bureau to incorporate the land-use allocations and standards and guidelines in that decision in the Bureau's RMPs for western Oregon. The RMP is intended to be consistent with the SEIS ROD; any apparent inconsistencies are oversights or misinterpretations of SEIS ROD language. The Final SEIS describes the environmental impacts which arise from those directions. This RMP incorporates the analysis in that Final SEIS.

The RMP incorporates the following records of decision by reference:

-   Northwest Area Noxious Weed Control Program
-   Western Oregon Program - Management of Competing Vegetation
-   Pacific Yew Management Program

BLM's Final Oregon Wilderness EIS was published in December 1989. It addresses two wilderness study areas in the Coos Bay District (Zwagg Island and North Sisters Rocks), and will lead to recommendations to Congress regarding designation of these areas. Pending Congressional action, the wilderness values in these areas will be protected.

Any finding made in the record of decision for this RMP that certain river segments studied herein are suitable for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act is a preliminary administrative finding. The finding will receive further review and possible modification by the Director, BLM; Secretary of the Interior; or the President of the United States. To facilitate that review, after completion of this RMP and its record of decision, the BLM may elect or be required to prepare a study report to support recommendations to Congress for designation of specific rivers or river segments. Final decisions have been reserved by Congress unless the Governor nominates a river to the Secretary of the Interior, who may then decide to designate it.

Management on the North Spit of Coos Bay and the New River area could be impacted by the final decisions under the Coastal Barriers Resources Act. If either of these areas are designated, Bureau actions would be modified to conform with the purposes and intent of the Act.

Management of approximately 59,100 acres, or some portion thereof, of BLM-administered lands located in eastern Coos County could be impacted by the proposed Self Sufficiency Plan of the Coquille Indian Tribe. A portion of that plan proposes establishment of the "Coquille Forest" in the headwaters of the Coquille River drainage, with a transfer of jurisdiction from the BLM to the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a trustee for the Coquille Indian Tribe. Bureau actions would be modified to conform with the decisions of Congress on the recommendations of the Secretary of Interior on the Plan.