Peer-reviewed publications
Dotson VM, Kitner-Triolo M, Evans MK, Zonderman AB. Literacy-based normative data for low socioeconomic status African Americans. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2008:1-29. Abstract Reprint
Nguyen HT, Evans MK, Zonderman AB. Influence of medical conditions on executive and memory functions in low socioeconomic status African Americans. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2007 Aug;22(6):689-98. Abstract Reprint
Nguyen HT, Kitner-Triolo M, Evans MK, Zonderman AB. Factorial invariance of the CES-D in low socioeconomic status African Americans compared with a nationally representative sample. Psychiatry Research, 2004;126(2):177-87. Abstract Reprint
Mager DE, Merritt MM, Kasturi J, Witkin LR, Urdiqui-MacDonald M, Sollers JJ III, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Abernethy DR, Thayer JT. Kullback-Leibler clustering of continuous wavelet transform measures of heart rate variability. Biomed Sci Instrum 2004;40:337-342. Abstract
Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Johnson WR. C-reactive protein in the prediction of cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med. Mar 13 2003;348(11):1059-1061; author reply 1059-1061. Abstract Reprint
Merritt MM, Sollers JJ, 3rd, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. Relationships among spectral measures of baroreflex sensitivity and indices of cardiac vagal control. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2003;39:193-198. Abstract
Thayer JF, Merritt MM, Sollers JJ, 3rd, et al. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism DD genotype on high-frequency heart rate variability in African Americans. Am J Cardiol. Dec 15 2003;92(12):1487-1490. Abstract Reprint
Terracciano A, Merritt MM, Zonderman AB, Evans MK. Personality traits and sex differences in emotion recognition among African-Americans and Caucasians. Annals New York Academy Sciences 2003;1000:309-312. Reprint
Sollers JJ, Merritt MM, Silver RA, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. Understanding blood pressure variability: Spectral indices as a function of gender and age. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation. in press.
Merritt MM, Abernethy DR, Evans MK, Sollers JJ, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. Effect of emotionally salient sentences and faces on the cardiovascular responses of a community-based African-American sample. Psychophysiology. 2001;38:S66-S66.
Fleg J, Hougaku H, Zonderman A, Evans M, Metter EJ. Lower socioeconomic status predicts higher carotid intimal- medial thickness in African Americans. Circulation. Nov 5 2002;106(19):2200.
Merritt MM, Abernethy DR, Evans MK, Sollers JJ III, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. Cardiovascular reactivity to perception of affect among older African-american adults. Psychophysiology. 2002;39:S9-S9.
Yie S, Merritt M, Sollers J, et al. Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphisms on heart rate variability in a community based African-American sample. Gerontologist. Oct 2002;42:132-132.
Cobb B, Donohue J, Zonderman A, Evans M, Kitner-Triolo M. Age, verbal knowledge, mental status and clock drawing in low SES African Americans: Results from the HANDLS pilot study. Gerontologist. Oct 2003;43:183-183.
Kitner-Triolo MH, Donohue JE, Evans MK, Zonderman AB. Association of age with attention and executive function mediated by SES. Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, February, 2003. Abstract Poster
Merritt MM, Abernethy DR, Evans MK, Sollers JJ III, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. (2002, April). Autonomic and vascular responses to affective stimuli among older African-American adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2003;24:S103.
Merritt MM, Sollers JJ, Evans MK, Zonderman AB, Thayer JF. Depression and autonomic and vascular responses to affective stimuli among older African-American adults. Psychophysiology. 2003;40:S59-S60.