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ID I-7-90-AT
Also Known As AMASSEDS
Abstract University of South Carolina,Universidade Federal Fluminense,State University of New York,North Carolina State University,Federal University of Rio De Janeiro,Federal University of Para. Chief Scientists: Chuck Nittrouer, Alberto Figueiredo. Geological and Geophysical data (boxcore, Kastencore, pistoncore, Shipekgrab, CTDmeter, 3dot5khz, seismic, planktonnet, watersamples) of field activity I-7-90-AT in Amazon Shelf, Atlantic Ocean from 05/08/1990 to 05/20/1990
Organization University of South Carolina
Universidade Federal Fluminense
State University of New York
North Carolina State University
Federal University of Rio De Janeiro
Federal University of Para
Chief Scientist Chuck Nittrouer
Alberto Figueiredo
Activity Type Geological and Geophysical
Platform Columbus Iselin
Area of Operation
Amazon Shelf, Atlantic Ocean
Location map I-7-90-AT location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 19.75000
-59.75000     -29.75000
Dates 05/08/1990 (JD 128) to 05/20/1990 (JD 140)
Analog Materials list
Index map

I-7-90-AT map of where navigation equipment operated

Chuck Nittrouer Chief Scientist, MSRC, SUNY
Robert Aller Scientist, MSRC, SUNY
Jim Mackin Scientist, MSRC, SUNY
Steve Kuehl Scientist, USC
Neil Blair Scientist, NCSU
Mead Allison Graduate Student, MSRC, SUNY
William Wallace Graduate Student, MSRC, SUNY
Mark Green Graduate Student, MSRC, SUNY
Tom Pacioni Graduate Student, USC, SC
Heidi Vigil Graduate Student, MSRC, SUNY
Mardi Montague Student, MSRC, SUNY
Alberto Figueiredo Co-chief Scientist, UFF
Heloisa Varges Graduate Student, UFF
Carlos Beisl Student, UFF
Julio Faleiro Student, UFF
Soraya Patchneelam Graduate Student, UFF
Ricardo Silva Graduate Student, UFF
Hsambasiva Patchneelam Scientist, UFF
Debora Peixoto Graduate Student, UFF
Ercilio Faria Jr., Scientist, UFPA
Mauro Ferreira Student, UFPA
Almicar Mendes Student, UFPA
Ismar Carvalho Student, UFRJ
Renato Cruz Scientist, UFRJ
Paulino Souza Student, UFRJ
Marcio Brum Student, UFF
Dennis Guffey Technician, TAMU, Tx
Nelson Carnerro Naval Observer, DHN
Equipment Used
To study the movement of sediment particles in the water column, the
accumulation of sediment particles on the seabed, and the effects that sediment
particles have on geochemical processes in the water column and seabed.
Information to be Derived
Stratigraphic analysis, sedimentary structures, radiochemistry, bulk
density, mineralogy and texture, infaunal assemblages present on the Amazon
shelf, bottom profiles, high-resolution reflection seismic profiles, control of
redox reactions by iron oxides in the seabed.
Measurements and samples were collected at 42 different stations on the
continental shelf. Of these 42 stations, 35 were examined in detail by multiple
coring. As many as 8 cores were taken at sites where smaples were required for
geochemistry, biology and stratigraphy. Cores taken primarily for stratigraphic
analysis were box cores (23), kasten cores (53), and one piston core (1). In
addition, 11 stations were sampled with Shipek grab sampler. Cores were
radiographed to document sedimentary structures and the majority were subsampled
for laboratory analysis involving radiochemistry, bulk density, mineralogy and
texture. Box core or grab samples were analyzed from a majority of stations by
scientists from UFRJ as a survey of infaunal assemblages present on the Amazon
shelf. In addition to sea bottom campling, 3.5 kHz profiles were obtained along
the transit lines connecting each station and approximately 100 km of GEOPULSE
high-resolution reflection seismic profiles were collected. During this leg two
coastal sampling trips were made to the Cabo Cassipore and Ponta do Costa areas
with small boats by scientists from UFPA, UFF and the USA.
The control of redox reactions by iron oxides in the seabed was examined at 6
stations by sampling sediment-water solute fluxes and interstitial water
chemistry and by monitoring reaction rate experiments, authigenic mineral
formation, and benthic community activity (stations 3204, 3205, 3211, 3216,
3221, and 3226). Two stations (3201 and 3209) were sampled in the southern
portion of the study area for measurement of sediment-water fluxes and
benthic-community characteristics. Grab samples were taken in sands at the
seaward-most station, 3229. Water column samples and CTD profiles were obtained
at all the seabed geochemistry/benthic biology stations (3201, 3204, 3205, 3209,
3211, 3216, 3221, and 3226). Surface plankton tows and bottom water samples were
taken at stations 3201, 3204, 3211, 3209, 3216, and 3221.
Rine, James M. and Nittrouer, Charles A. 1990. Report on field measurements and
sampling during AmasSeds Cruise III - CI9004. Marine Sciences Research Center,
State University of New York, NY. November 1990. 135 p.
Got Help? For I-7-90-AT, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, notes, owner, ports, project, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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