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NIH Record

Study Subjects Sought

Injured on the Job?

Do you have a work-related upper extremity problem, i.e., carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis or repetitive strain injury of the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder? USUHS is conducting a study that includes a $40 payment. Volunteers must be ages 20-60, seen by a physician within the past month and currently working. Call (301) 295-9659.

Long, Short Sleepers Needed

The Clinical Psychobiology Branch, NIMH, needs female subjects ages 25-30 who habitually sleep 9 hours or more, and men ages 18-24 who usually sleep for 6 hours or less, for a 5-consecutive-night sleep study. Volunteers should be healthy, have no history of mental illness, no sleep disorders, and should not be on any medications, including over-the-counter medications and birth control. Study does not involve taking medication. Send replies to

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