Paige Announces More Than $14 Million in Reading First Grants for Indiana, American Samoa Children
Indiana stands to receive $84.4 million over six years, American Samoa $8.5 million over six years
Archived Information

January 16, 2003
News Media Contact: Melinda Malico
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today announced that Indiana and American Samoa will receive more than $12.9 million and $1.4 million, respectively, for the first year of multi-year Reading First grants to help schools and districts improve children's reading achievement using scientifically proven methods of instruction.

Both Indiana's and American Samoa's applications passed a rigorous review panel that judged the plan against 25 main review criteria. Over six years, Indiana will receive approximately $84.4 million in support, and American Samoa will receive $8.5 million, subject to successful implementation and congressional appropriations.

With the funding of Indiana and American Samoa, 23 states and territories are now receiving unprecedented support under the new program.

The grants announced today support critical improvements in classroom reading instruction based on proven methods of instruction, screening and diagnosis of reading difficulties, monitoring of student progress, and thorough and high-quality professional development for teachers. States will build a statewide infrastructure to guide reform and assist school districts that will be funded under a state-run competition for district subgrants.

"Reading First is helping transform reading instruction from the fads of the past into the most focused, early reading initiative ever undertaken in this nation," Paige said. "The program's focus on scientific evidence, including the five essential elements of proven reading instruction, constitutes a formula for success. These funds will help ensure that all children in Indiana and American Samoa have the teaching and tools they need to read well by the end of the third grade."

Indiana plans to hold a competition for eligible school districts to compete for subgrants this spring, with the state planning to support some 66 schools in eligible school districts.

As part of its professional development plan, Indiana will hold 40 statewide sessions on scientifically based reading instruction for all K-3 teachers, including special education teachers, and administrators.

These sessions will be followed by the Indiana Literacy Conference, designed to extend K-3 teachers' knowledge of scientifically based reading research and instruction, effective classroom instructional strategies and the use and interpretation of reading assessment tools.

American Samoa plans to begin implementing this program in all of its schools immediately. The University of Oregon is partnering with the state education agency to support its implementation its professional development plan will give teachers intensive training in scientifically based reading instruction, classroom assessment and program implementation.

Secretary Paige commended American Samoa's choice to go through the rigorous expert review process -- which was not required -- but helped them strengthen their proposal. He observed, "by going through the rigorous and extensive peer review process, American Samoa now has a truly excellent plan for their kids."

When President Bush took office, he made improving children's reading achievement a centerpiece of his education reform agenda. Research shows that reading failure exacts a heavy toll on student motivation and school performance, and improved early reading instruction can be the first step toward raising academic achievement.

The president designed Reading First around an extensive knowledge base of the skills children need to learn to read. The program reflects the recommendations of a congressionally mandated, exhaustive review of scientifically based research on how students learn to read, completed by the National Reading Panel in 2000. President Bush has announced his intention to ask Congress for $1.1 billion for the third year of the program.

Reading First was passed into law by a bipartisan majority of Congress under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and centers on the following priorities:

To help them develop quality programs and solid Reading First applications, states had the benefit this spring of nearly three days of assistance during the Secretary's Reading Leadership Academies, to which all states sent representatives.

State applications undergo a rigorous review by a panel of reading experts, selected by the secretary of education, the National Institute for Literacy, the National Research Council, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Paige has announced awards to Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia and Washington.

States that are successful will receive funds under a formula. A list of estimated state grants and this year's funding under President Bush's request for $1 billion for the second year of the program, still before Congress, is available at  



Last Modified: 12/15/2003