Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Northeast Region
Media Resources

General Information

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is one of over 540 wildlife refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System, which is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the federal government's Department of Interior.

The mission of the Refuge System is "to administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans."

Blackwater Refuge is part of the Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, which is also comprised of Eastern Neck NWR, Martin NWR, Susquehanna NWR and the Barren Island, Watts Island, Bishops Head, Garrett Island and Spring Island Divisions. (For the protection of the wildlife, only Blackwater and Eastern Neck are open to the public.) The Blackwater NWR headquarters building located at Blackwater Refuge is also the headquarters for the Complex.

Follow the links below for additional information regarding the Complex and its divisions:

Note: As of September 2007, Suzanne Baird will be Project Leader for the Chesapeake Marshlands NWR Complex, due to the retirement of Glenn Carowan at the beginning of 2007.

Recent Blackwater NWR Press Releases (PDF files)

Also see USFWS Northeast Newsroom

Media Photos

Public domain photos of Blackwater NWR and its related wildlife can be found at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Digital Library.

Last updated: October 24, 2008