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Selecting Courses

Note: You must be logged into the Continuing Dental Education (CDE) web site to perform this operation.

The first step in the registration process requires staff members to complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with their supervisors. Part of this process is selecting courses from the catalog in which the staff member has an interest. Another part is having discussions with the supervisors about other courses required by their Area, Service Unit, or clinic. Once the IDP is complete, staff members with Internet access can use the CDE web site to record selected courses and request registration approval.

If you are not sure of what courses you should take, review the Your Credentials section of help. To add a course to the Selected Courses list, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Catalog” tab in the main navigation on the left side of the page
  2. (Optional) Select a tab to filter the courses for a specific area of interest
  3. Scroll as needed to find a course in which you are interested
  4. Click the Course Number to go to the Course Detail page
  5. If this is a course that you want after reading the course information, click the “Select Course” button
  6. Return to the Catalog page using the browser's “Back” button, or continue browsing the filtered courses using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons above and below the table

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If you have any questions about this site please email: Mary Beth Kinney