Reports > USPTO Annual Reports
Collage showing U S P T O Director Jon Dudas, Patent Commissioner John Doll, the U S P T O 'Our Record-Breaking Year' banner, as well as images of fiscal year 2006 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2006
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2006
Other Accompanying Information

Table of Contents | Management | Financial | Auditor | IG | Other

Other accompanying information section title


5.1  Management and Performance Challenges Identified by the Inspector General

5.2  The Nature of the Training Provided to USPTO Examiners

5.3  Fiscal Year 2006 USPTO Workload Tables

5.4  Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviation List

5.5  Acknowledgments




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