006 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-Additional Material
MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise
Eighteen character positions (00-17) that provide for coding information about
special aspects of the item being cataloged that cannot be coded in field 008
(Fixed-Length Data Elements). It is used in cases when an item has multiple
characteristics (e.g., printed material with an accompanying cassette or a map that
is issued serially) and to record the coded serial aspects of nontextual continuing
Field has a generic tree structure, whereby the code given in 006/00 (Form of
material) determines the data elements defined for subsequent character positions.
Except for code s (Serial/Integrating resource), the codes in field 006/00
correspond to those in Leader/06 (Type of record). For each occurrence of field 006,
the codes defined for character positions 01-17 will be the same as those defined in
the corresponding field 008, character positions 18-34. Configurations of field 006
are given in the following order: books, computer files/electronic resources, maps,
music, continuing resources, visual materials, and mixed materials.
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--BOOKS section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
a - Language material
t - Manuscript language material
01-04 - Illustrations See the description of positions 18-21 (Illustrations) under
05 - Target audience See the description of position 22 (Target audience) under
06 - Form of item See the description of position 23 (Form of item) under
07-10 - Nature of contents See the description of positions 24-27 (Nature of contents) under
11 - Government publication See the description of position 28 (Government publication) under
12 - Conference publication See the description of position 29 (Conference publication) under
13 - Festschrift See the description of position 30 (Festschrift) under
14 - Index See the description of position 31 (Index) under
15 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
16 - Literary form See the description of position 33 (Literary form) under
17 - Biography See the description of position 34 (Biography) under
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--COMPUTER FILES section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
m - Computer file/Electronic resource
01-04 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
06-08 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
09 - Type of computer file
10 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
11 - Government publication
12-17 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--MAPS section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
e - Cartographic material
f - Manuscript cartographic material
01-04 - Relief See the description of positions 18-21 (Relief) under
05-06 - Projection See the description of positions 22-23 (Projection) under
07 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
08 - Type of cartographic material See the description of position 25 (Type of cartographic material) under
09-10 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
11 - Government publication See the description of position 28 (Government publication) under
12 - Form of item See the description of position 23 (Form of item) under
13 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
14 - Index See the description of position 31 (Index) under
15 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
16-17 - Special format characteristics See the description of positions 33-34 (Special format characteristics) under
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--MIXED MATERIALS section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
p - Mixed material
01-05 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
07-17 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--MUSIC section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
c - Notated music
d - Manuscript notated music
i - Nonmusical sound recording
j - Musical sound recording
01-02 - Form of composition See the description of positions 18-19 (Form of composition) under
03 - Format of music See the description of position 20 (Format of music) under
04 - Music parts See the description of position 21 (Music parts) under
05 - Target audience See the description of position 22 (Target audience) under
06 - Form of item See the description of position 23 (Form of item) under
07-12 - Accompanying matter See the description of positions 24-29 (Accompanying matter) under
13-14 - Literary text for sound recordings See the description of positions 30-31 (Literary text for sound recordings)
15 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
16 - Transposition and arrangement See the description of position 33 (Transposition and arrangement) under
17 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--CONTINUING RESOURCES section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
s - Serial/Integrating resource
03 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
04 - Type of continuing resource
05 - Form of original item
07 - Nature of entire work
08-10 - Nature of contents
11 - Government publication
12 - Conference publication
13-15 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
16 - Original alphabet or script of title
For descriptions of character positions 01-17, see the descriptions of
corresponding character positions 18-34 in the
008--VISUAL MATERIALS section of Control Field 008.
Character Positions
00 - Form of material
g - Projected medium
k - Two-dimensional nonprojected graphic
o - Kit
r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object
04 - Undefined Contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
06-10 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
11 - Government publication
13-15 - Undefined Each contains a blank (#) or a fill (|) character
16 - Type of visual material