The Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) facilitates the production of sound, affordable housing for low and moderate-income households by providing the most effective process to municipalities, housing providers, nonprofit and for profit developers.

The Government Records Council (GRC) was established by the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) to guarantee public access to government records. The GRC can assist public agency records custodians and the public by providing guidance and information, as well as resolving denial of access disputes.

The Local Unit Alignment, Reorganization and Consolidation Commission (LUARCC), established under P.L. 207, Chapter 54, is responsible for studying and reporting on the structure and function of county and municipal government, including local taxing districts, their statutory basis, the fiscal relationship between local governments, and the appropriate allocation of service delivery responsibilities from the standpoint of efficiency. The bipartisan commission will fairly examine the allocation of responsibilities among local units in order to determine which unit of local government is best suited to deliver a given local government service and when consolidation will reduce the property tax burden for pairs of groups of local units. It will then make recommendations to the Legislature for approval by the affected voters in order to make a serious effort to reduce the number of municipalities and other local units in the state.

The New Jersey Historic Trust (NJHT) provides financial support and technical assistance to historic preservation projects throughout the state of New Jersey. Funding assistance is available for units of local and county government or qualified nonprofit organizations. Technical assistance and easement advice is available to public and private owners of historic resources.

The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA) is dedicated to increasing the availability and accessibility of affordable housing throughout New Jersey. Its financing programs support traditional affordable rental and for-sale housing developments, first-time and urban homebuyers, citizens in senior and assisted living facilities and residents with special needs. HMFA also administers the New Jersey Housing Resource Center, an online searchable registry of affordable and accessible housing located throughout New Jersey.

The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) is empowered with regional planning and zoning authority to ensure the environmental protection and enhancement of the Meadowlands District. The Commission’s objectives include the acquisition of open space for preservation, the enhancement of environmentally sensitive wetland areas, the development of recreational opportunities, the redevelopment of brownfields, the fostering of economic growth and the facilitation of shared services.

The New Jersey Redevelopment Authority (NJRA) is an independent state financing authority committed to revitalizing urban New Jersey. NJRA invests financial and technical resources into redevelopment projects to ensure that projects are urban-focused, neighborhood-based and investment-driven.

New Jersey’s highly successful Urban Enterprise (UEZ) Program was enacted in 1983. As of October 2008, it is part of the Department of Community Affairs. The UEZ Program was created to foster an economic climate that revitalizes designated urban communities and stimulates their growth by encouraging businesses to develop and create private sector jobs through public and private investment.