Bush's swan song: Pride in country, few regrets (Photo by Jason Reed/Reuters)

Dan Balilty/AP

A Palestinian protester throws stones at Israeli troops during clashes at a demonstration against Israel's military operation in Gaza.

Cease-fire efforts under way as Gaza conflict simmers

1:43 p.m. ET · Israel seeks US help on Gaza weapons smuggling, while Arab nations remain divided over a truce.

Amid broad Israeli support for Gaza war, a rare dissenting voice (Photo by Josh Mitnick)

In Israel, a rare dissenting voice

Sari Bashi argued before the Supreme Court today that Israel is still responsible for Gazan civilians.

Pilot was a 'hero,' but are more coming along for airlines to hire?

2:38 p.m. ET · There are fewer military pilots to draw from, plus economic difficulties in the industry.

FROM OUR FILES: Andrew Wyeth - show probes the man and his art

3:34 p.m. ET · Andrew Wyeth, who died today, was one of the best-known American artists of the 20th century. His intuition and allusive paintings were the focus of this 1976 exhibit review.

Bush's swan song: Pride in country, few regrets

8:56 a.m. ET · In his final address to the nation, he reviews his accomplishments with a sense of wistfulness.

After turmoil, hopes for stability with new Thai prime minister

11:23 a.m. ET · Ahbisit's coalition has presented a stimulus package to shore up Thailand's faltering economy.

Will English soccer be slide-tackled by the economy? (Photo by Antonio Calanni/AP)

Will English soccer be slide-tackled by the economy?

1:06 p.m. ET · Eyebrows raised over $150 million bid for AC Milan's Kaka.

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Pat Murphy talks with reporter Gail Chaddock

The US Senate and the President-elect's Cabinet choices.

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