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HPS List of Acronyms

ABP - Assumption Based Planning

APIR - Abbreviated Projected Information Report

BLUF - Bottom Line Up Front

CEQ - Council of Environmental Quality

GCR - Gulf Coast Recovery

CODEL - Congressional Delegation

DCW - Director of Civil Works

DOTD - Department of Transportation Development

EM - Exploratory Modeling

EOC - Emergency Operations Center

ERT - Emergency Response Team

FTR - Final Technical Report

GCCPR - Governor's Commission on Coastal Protection

GIWW - Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

GI - Grand Isle

HPO - Hurricane Protection Office

HPS - Hurricane Protection System

IGE - Independent Government Estimate

IPET - Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force

IPR - In Progress Review

IPR - Independent Peer Review

ITR - Independent Technical Review

JSP - Jefferson Parrish Pump Station

LACPR - Louisiana Coastal Protection Restoration

LERRDS - Land Easements Relocations Right of Way & Disposal Sites

LGM - Larosse to Golden Meadow

LPV - Lake Ponchartrain & Vicinity

MRC - Mississippi River Commission

MRGO - Mississippi River Gulf Outlet

MVN PRO - Mississippi Valley Division New Orleans District Protection Recovery Office

NAFSMA - National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies

NFGE - Non Federal Government Entity

NFS - Non Federal Sponsor

NOLA - New Orleans Louisiana

NF - Non Federal

NOE - New Orleans East

NOV - New Orleans to Venice

NTP - Notice to Proceed

OD - Operation Division

OMRR&R - Operation & Maintenance Rivers, Reservoirs & Regulatory

OVEST - Office Value Engineering Study Team

OEB - Orleans East Bank

OPS - Orleans Parrish Pump Station

PDT - Project Delivery Team

PIR - Project Interim Report

PMBP - Project Management Business Process

PPS - Plaquemines Pumping Station

PPS01 - Plaquemines Pumping Station #01

PRB - Project Review Board
P - Plaquemines Parrish

P & S - Plans and Specs

PCCP - Permanent Canal Closures and Pump Stations

PM - Project Manager

PPS - Plaquemines Parrish Pump Station

PS - Pump Station

RDM - Robust Decision Making

RIDF - Risk Informed Decision Framework

SELA - Southeast Louisiana

SME - Subject Matter Expert

Strat Comm - Strategic Communications (Public Affairs)
TC - Technical Coordinator

TFG - Task Force Guardian

TFH - Task Force Hope

WJLD - West Jefferson Levee District

Q - Quarter (Q 1 = First quarter of the fiscal year)

SBPS - St. Bernard Parrish Pump Station

STW - Still Water Level

U - Unrestricted (Contracting Package)



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Revision Date: June 2, 2008