Northeast Region, New York City

Volunteering and Internship Activities

The National Archives has over 1,500 volunteers nationwide providing valuable service on numerous activities and projects throughout the year. The New York region has multiple ongoing projects. We are always looking for additional help.

Current Ongoing Projects include:

  • Database creation and holdings maintenance for 19th century passenger arrival lists.
  • Database index to the Southern and Eastern District Naturalization Petitions.
  • Database index for the New York Navy Yard (Brooklyn Navy Yard) Photo collection.
  • Database index to Merchant Vessel Crew Lists (1808- 1919).
  • Unbinding and re boxing the Eastern District Naturalization Petitions.
  • Re-boxing and Re-labeling of holdings.

Longtime NARA volunteer, Andrew, assisting at the front desk.

Volunteer David inputting information for the New York Naval shipyard photo database.

Volunteers Don and Marjorie working on the Southern District Naturalization Petitions Indexing Project.

Volunteers Ed and John working on Southern District Naturalization Petitions.

Jenni, Intern, assisting with creating an index for lighthouses drawings.

We determine projects based on the needs of our holdings and the interests of our volunteers. Please contact about new projects in relation to your area of interest!

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272