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Types of Environmental and Planning Documents

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Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) - An EIS evaluates actions that are likely to have significant environmental impacts. It analyzes a range of reasonable alternatives to accomplish the purpose and need for Federal action.  A draft EIS is released to the public for comment followed by a final EIS and then a Record of Decision.

Environmental Assessment (EA) – An EA is typically a shorter document than an EIS.  An EA’s analysis of expected environmental impacts is used to determine if there may be significant impacts which would require the preparation of an EIS and to facilitate reasoned decision making.  If the analysis in the EA shows no significant impact, a Finding of No Significant Impact is made by the manager.  In addition to the proposed action and the no action alternatives, EAs may include additional action alternatives.

Categorical Exclusion (CX) - The Department of the Interior and BLM maintain lists of actions that are categorically excluded from analysis under an EA or EIS. These are generally routine actions with minor impacts.

Determination of NEPA Adequacy (DNA) - Existing environmental documentation can and should be used whenever possible. If existing EAs or EISs fully encompass a proposed action, then no further review is needed. This finding is documented by a Determination of NEPA Adequacy (DNA).

Resource Management Plan (RMP) - An RMP is a land use plan that identifies resource condition goals and objectives; allowable resource uses; areas for limited, restricted, or exclusive use; areas meriting special designations; and management practices and actions to achieve goals and objectives.

Last updated: 06-27-2008