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BBID - List of Keywords |
This is an alphabetized list of keywords found in the BBID database. The search function is not case sensitive. Searches should be done with the exact match. |
To find specific genes or words on this page use the find function on your browser. Got to EDIT, FIND, and insert a keyword. |
There are approximately 129 unique keywords represented in the database as of 2-23-2000. |
AD ADC allergen allergy Ankyrin Antigen presentation signaling APC apoptosis Apoptosis death Apoptosis signaling arthritis asthma autoimmune axon Axon B cell B cell activation B cell development B cell differentiation B lymphocytes bacterium basophil Blood brain barrier bone marrow brain calcium Calmodulin cancer Cannabinoid Cardiac Heart cardiac myocyte cell cycle cell membrane cellular channel cholesterol cortisol cyclin cytokine Cytokine signaling cytoplasm Cytoskeleton death Dendrite Dendritic cell dynein Dystrophin EAE endocytic transport Endocytosis endosome eosinophil fungus glia glucose glycogen Golgi growth control hematopoiesis HIV homeostasis HPAaxis hypoxia IL6 immune Immunosurveillance infection inflammation insulin integrin intracellular ischemia Jak/STAT JNK Kinesin liver lymphocyte activation macrophage Macrophage mast cell mitochondria Mitogen signaling monocyte Monocyte activation MS multiple sclerosis muscle Myc myelin neuron neurotransmission NFkB signaling nucleolus nucleus Pertussis proinflammatory Promotor transcription proteosome protozoan Rb Reactive oxygen receptor sarcoglycan Signal peptides signal transduction Signal transduction apoptosis Signaling spectrin stress stroke structural synapse synapse T cell T cell anergy T cell cytoskeleton T cell signaling TAT Tcell TH1 TH1/TH2 TH2 tissue transcription Transcription complex tRNA Tumor suppression Ubiquitin vessel virus Vitamin D3 |
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