United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

UMLS® Release Notes and Problems (Bugs)

2008AB - Current UMLS Release

What's New


2 new sources and 1 new translation were added:

  • Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) Ontology,
  • MEDCIN, and
  • Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), Czech Edition.

27 English sources and 10 translation sources were updated in this release. This includes MeSH, ICD-9-CM, HUGO, MedDRA, SNOMED CT (English and Spanish), and the NCI Thesaurus. For a complete list of updated sources see: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/updated_sources.html. For more detailed information, see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/updated_sources_expanded.html.

MedlinePlus Health Topics and Japanese Translations of the Medical Subject Headings are now represented in MRHIER.RRF. Their hierarchies can be browsed via either the MetamorphoSys RRF Browser or the UMLSKS Tree Browser.

Data Changes:

String unique identifiers (SUIs) now have a maximum length of 9 characters. Previously assigned SUIs retain their 8 character length.

Relationship unique identifiers (RUIs) now have a maximum length of 10 characters. Previously assigned RUIs retain their 9 character length.

Attribute unique identifiers (ATUIs) now have a maximum length of 11 characters. Previously assigned ATUIs retain their 10 character length.

Information on columns and data elements in the Metathesaurus, including SUIs, RUIs and ATUIs are listed in Appendix B.1, Columns and Data Elements, available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/metab.html#sb_1.1.

In SNOMED CT Spanish, strings with term type 'MTH*' (i.e. MTH_PT) no longer carry a source asserted atom identifier (SAUI). This field is now blank.

In MRSAB.RRF, the term type list (TTYL) column now has a maximum of 300 characters.

In the Word Index files (e.g., MRXW_SPA.RRF) the WD column length now has a maximum of 500 characters.


The codes for LOINC parts names (LPNs) are now followed by a hyphen plus a single digit. See the following example for Vitamin B2 (from MRCONSO.RRF):

C0035527|ENG|S|L0284721|PF|S0099284|N|A15634064||||LNC|LPN|LP31690-8|Vitamin B2|0|N||

C0035527|ENG|S|L0284721|PF|S0099284|N|A13321409||||LNC|LPN|LP31690|Vitamin B2|0|N||


MetamorphoSys has improved run times across all platforms.

A full Metathesaurus subset now requires 17.7 GB of disk space.

UMLS Learning Resources:

The new Web-based UMLS Basics Tutorial is available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/online%20learning/index.htm.

Users who are new to the UMLS are encouraged to review the New Users' Guide to the UMLS available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/umls/new_users.html. This guide includes online demonstrations, step-by-step instructions and a link to UMLS training materials.



Title: SQL Load Script produces errors related to ' \|' character sequence

The following applies to users attempting to load the 2008AB RRF data into a MySQL database using the MetamorphoSys-generated MySQL load scripts.

Problem: Due a '\|' character sequence in the 2008AB data, the following MySQL error message is displayed while loading RRF data into a database: Warning (Code 1264): Out of range value adjusted for column 'SRL.'


  1. Open up the mysql_tables.sql file in your MetamorphoSys output directory.
  2. Change the following line from:
    • load data local infile 'MRCONSO.RRF' into table MRCONSO fields terminated by '|' lines terminated by '\n'  to the following:
    • load data local infile 'MRCONSO.RRF' into table MRCONSO fields terminated by '|' ESCAPED BY '' lines terminated by '\n'
  3. Save and close the file, then re-run the script.

Date posted: December 16, 2008


Title: MetaMap NLP View label missing from Content View Restrictor Window

Problem: On the Restrict Searches and Views Option, Content View Restrictor screen, the name of the third content view (MetaMap NLP View) is missing.

Solution: This error will be corrected in the 2009AA release.

Date posted: November 17, 2008


Title: Advanced Suppressibility Options Error

Problem: When using Advanced Suppressibility Options to remove suppressible term types from a customized Metathesaurus subset, MetamorphoSys may not have removed all of the appropriate rows/data from the customized Metathesaurus MRHIER.RRF file.

Solution: Log in to the UMLSKS and download the updated 2008AB UMLS Release files. Note: The Build Date of the correct version of MetamorphoSys is 2008_11_20_06_34_04 (located in Help -> About MetamorphoSys, in the Welcome to MetamorphoSys window).

Date posted: November 24, 2008

There are no known problems for the 2008AA release. Please send any issues or concerns to custserv@nlm.nih.gov.

Release Notes for Previous Versions of the UMLS

Release information for the RRF Browser

Last reviewed: 16 December 2008
Last updated: 16 December 2008
First published: 20 July 2004
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