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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Organizations: Germany

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), associations, organizations, and institutes either in or pertaining to Germany.

American Council on Germany (
Independent, nonprofit organization for the promotion of transatlantic dialog. Profile and history of the council; information on grants and fellowships; links to national chapters; schedule of events; lists of publications and conferences; details of membership and donations; links to other web resources on Germany and German-American relations.

American Field Service (
An international cultural exchange organization, with information on programs and links to other resources. In German, some English.

Aspen Institute Berlin (
Nonprofit organization seeking to foster transatlantic dialog. Links to a profile of the institute, description of current programs and activities, newsletter, schedule of events, and conference reports.

Atlantik-Brücke (
Profile of the association devoted to German-American relations; description of programs, projects, and publications; schedule of events; related links. In German and English.

Federation of German-American Clubs (
Profile of organization and mission, information on Youth Work and Student Exchange programs, newsletter, publications, and event schedule. In German and English.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (
Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Website of the foundation oriented toward Germany's Social Democratic Party; links to the foundation's international offices (including Washington, D.C.); schedule of events; reports and analysis of issues in Germany and elsewhere; description of the foundation's archive and links to other research resources; online library catalog; information on fellowships and other research support; links to electronic journals on German and international politics. In German.

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (
Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Website of the foundation oriented toward Germany's Free Democratic Party; links to national and international offices (including Washington, D.C.); partial-text access to the foundation's journal, Liberal, and to other publications; description of current initiatives and projects; information on fellowships and other research support; description of archives and library. In German, some English and Spanish.

German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) (
Website of the foundation dedicated to promotion of transatlantic relations; overview of grantmaking; profiles of program areas, special grants, and fellowships; overviews of support for academics and journalists; links to other organizations with transatlantic programs.

Hanns Seidel Stiftung (
Hanns Seidel Fundation. Website of the foundation oriented toward Germany's Christian Social Union; schedule of seminars and programs; information on current initiatives and projects; descriptions of publications and research reports, some available online; descriptions of the foundation's archives, library, and documentation center; information on current initiatives and projects; information on fellowships and other research support. In German and English.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung (
Heinrich Boll Foundation. Website of the foundation associated with Germany's Green Party; links to national and international offices (including Washington, D.C.); online publications; descriptions of and links to the foundation's archives; information on current initiatives and projects; information on fellowships and other research support. In German, English, and Spanish.

Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger im Ausland (IDA) (
Society of German-Speakers Abroad. Provides regional contacts, e-mail lists, chat groups, and general information for German-speakers living outside of German-speaking countries. In German.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (
Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Website of the foundation oriented toward Germany's Christian Democratic Union; information on current initiatives and projects; information on fellowships and other research support; description of publications (some available online). In German; some English, French, and Spanish.

Robert Bosch Stiftung (
Robert Bosch Foundation. Links to current programs and projects, information on grants and fellowships, and affiliated institutions. In German, some English.

United States Association of Former Members of Congress. Congressional Study Group on Germany (
Profile of the congressional group devoted to promoting interparliamentary relations between the United States and Germany. Links to programs, events, news, directory of members, and publications.

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  December 29, 2008
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