The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Ethiopia
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Recreation and Travel: Ethiopia

Includes tourism, sports, food and drink, links to embassies, U.S. State Department advisories.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Addisweb (
Offers a wide range of information and an exceptionally useful listing of additional sites by categories.

Africa - Explore the Regions - Ethiopian Highlands (
Produced by PBS, presents attractively presented essays with illustrations about the peoples, history and environmental concerns of Ethiopia.

EthioSports (
This is the online version of "the first Amharic/English sports publication aimed a serving Ethiopians living in the Diaspora." It published six times a year in English with some articles in Amharic.

Ethiopian Airlines (
The official site of this airline, in addition to flight schedules, it offers information about destinations and travel advice.

Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (
" Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) is a non profit, tax exempt organization founded in 1984 to promote amateur soccer and cultural events within the Ethiopian community in the North America. Its goal include providing positive role models for the youth and promoting goodwill between the Ethiopian communities in North America. In addition to sports event, the federation also conducts cultural activities to provide opportunities for Americans to learn more about Ethiopia culture and history."

Ethiopian Tourism Net (
An excellent site to find travel information including photographs of places to see in various regions of Ethiopia.

Experience Ethiopia Travel (
Offers an easy-to-use guide to specific information the traveler needs -- clothing to wear, etiquette to be observed, etc.

Gondarlink - Guide to Ethiopia (
"Whether you are sitting at home wishing to learn a little about this unique country or whether you are planning an adventure to see Ethiopia at first hand..." this site offers basic information about sites to see and their importance in Ethiopian history and culture.

Homepage for Ethiopian Athletes (
Biographies about individual athletes and a bulletin board for atheletes as well as sports news and legends are presented.

Integrated Forest Management Project Adaba-Dodola (IFMP) (Ethiopia) (
"IFMP is a technical cooperation project of the Governments of Ethiopia and Germany started in 1995. Its mission is to develop a feasible approach for the conservation of natural forests in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. A model for participatory, community-based forest management is being implemented by the project in the Forest Priority Area of Adaba-Dodola located on the northern slopes of the Bale Mountains adjacent to the Bale Mountains National Park."

Lonely Planet - Destinations (
Provides information on travel, attractions, history, culture, and environment of Ethiopia.

National Center for Infectious Diseases Traveler's Health (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) (
The US CDC issues health warnings and advisories and related materials for countries around the world.

Travel Document Systems (
A source for information about the documents required for travel to a particular country. The forms themselves are offered in PDF format as well as basic travel information.

United States. Department of State (
Numerous documents concerning diplomatic and international relations, travel advice and warnings relating to the countries of the world are available on the State Department's official site by searching under a particular country's name.

World Health Organization (
The official site of the WHO offers text in English, French or Spanish on its mission and health initiatives, programs and warnings world wide.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Ethiopia
  June 29, 2007
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