The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Ethiopia
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Language and Literature: Ethiopia

Includes linguistics, online dictionaries, grammars, teaching aids.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Ethiopian Computers and Software (
Although developed to showcase its software such as "ModEth, EthioWord, GeezEdit, etc. "... this Ethiopic and English web site of Ethiopian Computers offers a number of articles of concerning the Ethiopic alphabet and technical issues concerning its use on the Internet.

Ethiopic Character Sets (
Presents a table citing a number of software web pages and information about the types of scripts offered by them for Ethiopian languages.

Ethnologue (
Searching this comprehensive English language ethnological site will yield lists and articles of the languages and linguistic groups spoken and read in Ethiopia.

FTP Repository (
Links to a number of sites concerning Ethiopian scripts, software and linguistics.

Fidel (
" ‘Ethiopic'' is the term most familiar to the western world for the primary writing system of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Other terms that have been used for the script in the west have been ‘Abyssinian,' ‘Ethiopian' and ‘Abyssinic.'. In Eritrea and Ethiopia the writing system is known affectionately as ‘Ge'ez,' ‘Fidel,' and ‘Fidelat'' and the foreign names may never be heard in ones lifetime. The terms may be used interchangably here to refer to the extended writing system. This includes all additional characters added to classic Ge'ez ... for tgrNa, amarNa, guragiNa and other languages, numbers, punctuation, and musical notes." Includes links to documents and web sites which provide historical and contemportary studies about this alphabet system including technical issues such as unicode representation of the script.

Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (Saint John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota)
" From the very beginning, HMML has attempted to ensure scholars access to the manuscripts on microfilm. It reported on the progress of filming and maintained handlists of libraries and materials filmed. ... . [including] paper and online catalogues for Malta and Ethiopia."

The LiveGe'ez Remote Processing Protocol (
" This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. ... Ethiopic web publishing is burdened with a legacy of numerous disparate systems. The probability is then very high that a document published in one encoding system becomes inaccessible to the majority of users who will wish to read the document. A conversion service is proposed to alleviate this problem. This document describes a Common Gateway Interface API and Hypertext Markup Language extensions for the conversion of web documents on remote servers from one encoding system into another."

Meskot (
Poetry and short stories in Amharic and English are posted as well as links to similar sites.

Thesaurus Linguae Aethiopica (
Available in English or German. "Named (provisionally) Thesaurus Linguae Aethiopicae, the project aims at creating machine-readable and SGML-encoded (according to the guidelines of TEI P 3) Ethiopic texts and collecting them in a corpus for further research. ... The working group, which is based on an initiative started in 1991, is already investigating a number of texts. The choice of texts has been pragmatically according to the specific demands of current research. Thus, within the framework of research on typological change in Ethio-Semitics the following texts are under preparation: the Axumite inscriptions, new editions of Imperial songs in old Amharic, the chronicle of Za¨r'a-Ya'qob, the Ser'ata¨ ma¨ngest and related texts, [and] the Haymanota¨ abaw (a history of the Ethiopian Church, in Amharic)."

Wazéma System (
" Wazéma System is a personal computer writing system for Amharic, the Ethiopian national language, and all other Ethiopian languages: the first complete Ethiopian computer writing system freely available from Internet."

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Ethiopia
  June 29, 2007
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