Classes for First-time Users
First-time users are encouraged to seek assistance at the Information Desks
on the ground floor
of the Jefferson Building and in the lobby on the first
floor of the Madison Building. There they will receive an introduction to
the facilities and resources of the Library and find brochures describing the
Library's reading rooms, collections, and services.
Formal research orientation classes, taught by reference librarians and dealing
with many aspects of using the Library, are offered regularly by the Humanities
and Social Sciences Division. These classes are offered on the following Mondays:
Morning Sessions
(10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.):
January 5, 12, 26
February 2, 9, 23
March 2, 16, 30
April 6, 20
Evening Sessions
(6:30-8:00 p.m.):
January 5
February 2
March 2
April 6
Sessions are held in Room G07 of the Jefferson Building.
For additional information, or to register for a class, use the online
registration form, or phone the Library's Computer Catalog Center
at 202-707-3370. |
In addition to the regularly scheduled general research orientations, special
orientations/tours can sometimes be arranged for specific classes or groups.
These programs may be subject-specific depending
on the interest of the group and the availability of staff. Due to staffing
constraints and availability of meeting space, special orientations/tours can
only be scheduled between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. Use the online registration form for
special orientations to express
interest in scheduling a session.
The "Research Orientation to the Library of Congress" course is designed as
a basic introduction for researchers using the Library of Congress collections
and resources. Each session includes an introduction to the Library's reading
rooms and collections; guidelines on how to locate and request materials in
a closed-stack library; suggestions on how to conduct research efficiently in
the Library of Congress; instruction on how to use Library of Congress
Subject Headings and other sources for searching accurately by subject;
information on how to find published bibliographies and topical indexes in print
and automated formats; information on using the Library's catalogs in card and
online forms; procedures for finding citations to journal articles; and an overview
of automated resources, including OCLC FirstSearch, other Internet-based subscription
services, and CD-ROMs.
Some Library of Congress reading rooms offer research orientations specific
to their collections and services. For more information about these orientations,
including schedules and registration information, please visit the web pages
listed below:
Business Reference
Service: Regularly Scheduled
Law Library Reading Room: Orientation to Legal Research and the Use of Law Library
Local History and Genealogy
Reading Room: Tours and Research Orientations
Prints and Photographs Reading
Room: Regularly Scheduled Orientations
Science, Technology, and Business
Division: Regularly Scheduled Orientations