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Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research Strategic Planning Document


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research
Strategic Planning Document

The Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research (DEPR) is pleased to present the initial release of its strategic planning document. This document reviews the epidemiology and prevention research literature and offers recommendations about questions that we believe merit research priority. The document was reviewed by NIAAA's Extramural Advisory Board (EAB) on August 16-17, 2006. On the basis of its review, the EAB will present a series of recommendations to the NIAAA National Advisory Council in February of 2007. We would also welcome recommendations from epidemiology and prevention researchers, and others interested in this area of research. 

View DEPR Strategic Plan [ PDF]

Note: To view or print the PDF version of the report, you must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader--see PDF viewing information.



Updated: January  2007

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