Table 1-10: U.S. Oil and Gas Pipeline Mileage ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1960,1965,1970,1975,1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2001,2002,2003 "Oil pipeline, total","190,944","210,867","218,671","225,889","218,393","213,605","208,752","181,912","176,996","158,489","161,189","160,868" Crude linesa,"141,085","149,424","146,275","145,679","129,831","117,812","118,805","97,029","85,480",U,U,U Product lines,"49,859","61,443","72,396","80,210","88,562","95,793","89,947","84,883","91,516",U,U,U "Gas pipelineb, total","630,950","767,520","913,267","979,263","1,051,774","1,118,875","(R) 1,189,200","(R) 1,277,600","(R) 1,369,300","(R) 1,373,500","1,411,381",U Distribution mains,"391,400","494,500","594,800","648,200","701,800","753,400","(R) 864,600","(R) 949,800","(R) 1,045,600","(R) 1,066,300","1,079,565",U Transmission pipelinesc,"183,700","211,300","252,200","262,600","266,500","271,200","(R) 292,200","(R) 296,900","(R) 296,600","(R) 287,100","309,503",U Gathering linesd,"55,800","61,700","66,300","68,500","83,500","94,300","(R) 32,400","(R) 30,900","(R) 27,100","(R) 20,100","22,313",U KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, a Includes trunk and gathering lines.,,,,,,,,,,,, b Excludes service pipe. Data are not adjusted to common diameter equivalent. Mileage as of the end of each year.,,,,,,,,,,,, "c After 1975, includes 5,000-6,200 miles of underground storage pipe.",,,,,,,,,,,, "d Before 1990, data include field line mileage.",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, NOTE,,,,,,,, "In the past, mileage data reported in Gas Facts was taken from the American Gas Association's member survey, the Uniform Statistical Report, supplemented with estimates for companies that did not participate. For 2002 and revised data back to 1990, Gas Facts mileage data is now based on information reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation on Form 7100. ",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, SOURCES,,,,,,,, Oil pipeline:,,,,,,,, "1960-2000: Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc., Transportation in America, 2002(Washington, DC: 2002), p. 58. ",,,,,,,, "2001-03: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline Statistics, Internet site as of Dec. 8, 2004.",,,,,,,, Gas pipeline:,,,,,,,, "1960-2002: American Gas Association, Gas Facts (Washington, DC: Annual issues), tables 5-1 and 5-3, and similar tables in earlier editions.",,,,,,,, 16