Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers  
Reference Correspondence Policy: Library of Congress
  Image of the a Library of Congress Reading Room

The primary mission of the Library of Congress is to serve Members of the Congress and thereafter, the needs of the government, other libraries, and members of the public. The Library's staff will respond to reference and information requests in accordance with this mission.

Correspondents are encouraged to use local and online resources. For those seeking further assistance from the Library of Congress, the staff will respond to their reference and information needs to the extent possible. Because the Library participates in a global network of librarians working electronically to answer questions, your online reference question may be submitted to this global network for reply.

Please note that the scope of the services does not include: compilation of extensive bibliographies, requests for information connected with contests, completion of school or work assignments, translations or research in heraldry or family history.

The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers
September 14, 2004
Contact Us

Mailing Address:

Humanities and Social Sciences Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4660

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