NIH Roadmap Administrative Supplements to Support Interdisciplinary Research in the Behavioral/Social and Biological Sciences

Notice Number: NOT-RM-05-007

Key Dates
Release Date: April 6, 2005
Application Receipt Date: June 15, 2005
Earliest Anticipated Start Date: September 30, 2005

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (

This Notice is developed as an NIH Roadmap initiative. All NIH Institutes and Centers participate in Roadmap initiatives. The program will be administered by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine on behalf of the NIH.

The National Institutes of Health announces the availability of one-year administrative supplements aimed at stimulating interdisciplinary research, in humans, that integrates the behavioral or social sciences with the biological sciences. The short-term supplemental funds provided under this NIH Roadmap initiative are intended to support partnerships between behavioral or social scientists and biological scientists to foster the melding of these disciplines' typically disparate perspectives, approaches and methodologies into interdisciplinary research efforts that will improve our ability to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat disease and disability and to improve symptom management and health. An interdisciplinary approach is distinguished from a multidisciplinary approach in that a multidisciplinary approach brings experts from diverse disciplines to address collectively a common complex problem, each from his or her unique perspective. By contrast, an interdisciplinary approach results from the melding of two or more disciplines to create a new (interdisciplinary) science.

This program is developed as a NIH Roadmap initiative. The Roadmap's goal, in keeping with the NIH mission of uncovering new knowledge about the prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and disability, is to accelerate both the pace of discovery in these key areas and the translation of therapies from bench to bedside. In the course of developing the NIH Roadmap, it has become clear that scientific advances are increasingly being made at the interfaces of traditional disciplines, and that approaches to science are becoming more integrative. These advances require cooperative efforts, typically in the form of investigators from diverse research backgrounds working collectively across traditional disciplinary boundaries to answer scientific questions and achieve specific endpoints. Additional information about the NIH Roadmap can be found at

These supplements are designed to support research performed on humans, not animals, and must include the behavioral or social sciences AND the biological sciences. A definition of behavioral and social sciences research for the NIH can be found at Collaborations supported by these supplements should enhance the outcomes of the original project and encourage the development of new conceptual directions for the parent project, without constituting an expansion of scope. It is expected that these enhancements will be included in subsequent competing applications, either for the renewal of the parent grant or for a new application on a related project. Applications that involve collaborators in the biological sciences who are new to behavioral or social science research are especially encouraged, as is the converse, i.e., applications that involve collaborators in the behavioral or social sciences who are new to biological research.

Appropriate topics for these supplements include, but are not limited to the following:


This program will support administrative supplements to Research Project (R01), MERIT (R37), Program Project (P01), and Cooperative Agreement (U01) awards to domestic institutions. Awards to foreign institutions are not eligible for supplementation under this program. The parent awards may be from any Institute or Center of the NIH, and need not be Roadmap awards, in order to be eligible for supplementation. Applications for these supplements will not be accepted until after a Notice of Grant Award has been issued for the parent grant application. Awards must have at least one year remaining in the project period on September 30, 2005, in order to be eligible. Awards that are in a no-cost extension will not be considered for support under this supplement program. Only one supplement may be requested for any individual award.

How to Apply

This is a one-time announcement. Applications must be received on or before June 15, 2005. Do not send applications to the Center for Scientific Review. Applicants should submit one electronic copy as an e-mail attachment in PDF format and one hard copy (with original signatures of the PI and institutional official) of the application to:

Dr. Deborah H. Olster
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institutes of Health
Room 256, Building 1
One Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-0186

Content and Form of Application Submission

Applications for an administrative supplement under this program should use the PHS 398 form (rev. 9/2004; available at, and must include the following:

1. Cover letter requesting the supplement, identifying this notice, the number and title of the parent grant, and providing full principal investigator (PI) contact information.

2. Face page.

The title of the project (Box 1) should be the title of the parent award.

This Notice (number and title) should be cited in Box 2, and the “yes” box should be checked.

The Principal Investigator (PI) must be the same as the PI on the parent award. Subproject PIs on P01 and U01 awards are not eligible to apply for these supplements.

The remaining items on the face page should be filled out according to the PHS 398 application instructions.

3. Form page 2 (Description, Performance Sites, Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, and Human Embryonic Stem Cells) from PHS 398. The project description is that of the administrative supplement, not the parent grant.

4. Biosketch(es) for any new key personnel or consultants not named in the parent grant. Letters of commitment from these new participants should be included in section J (Consultants) of the Research Plan.

5. Resources page and Other Support page for any new key personnel not named in the parent grant.

6. Modular budget for the supplement with justification for the direct costs being requested. See budget information section below.

7. A one-page description of the parent award, including a brief update on progress made thus far. List any publications resulting from the parent award (this list will not be counted toward the one-page limit of this section).

8. Research Plan for the supplement, items A-D not to exceed five pages.

This section should include a description of the supplement's specific aims (A), background and significance (B), preliminary studies (C), and research design and methods (D). It must also describe how the specific aims of the parent project will be enhanced by the supplement, and should make a strong scientific case that the proposed supplemental research will make a substantial contribution to the understanding of the system under study in the parent grant.  If collaborators are not at the same institution, describe how they will work together on the supplement project.

Human subjects research (item E of the Research Plan) : If there is a change, relative to the parent award, in any matter related to human subjects research, the application should include a complete Human Subjects Research section (E) as required in the PHS 398 instructions. This section will not be counted toward the five-page limit of the research plan. We urge all applicants to begin the process of obtaining IRB approval of any changes to the human subject protocols covering the parent award as soon as possible, if the supplementary project requires it. If there is no change, relative to the parent award, in any matter related to human subjects research, this should be stated.

Item F (Vertebrate animals) is not applicable as these supplements are for research on human subjects.

Items G (Literature Cited), H (Consortium/Contractual Arrangements), I (Resource Sharing) and J (Consultants) should be completed as described in the PHS 398 Instructions.

9. A completed Checklist.

10. Appendices will not be accepted.

Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed administratively by a committee of NIH staff. Awards will be determined on the basis of scientific merit, programmatic relevance, and the availability of funds. All funding decisions are final and are not subject to appeal. The expected award date is September 30, 2005.

Budget Information

Applicants may request up to $150,000 in direct costs for the one-year duration of the administrative supplements under this program. Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs will be paid at the full, negotiated rate. Although the awarded budgets will be modular, applicants should provide a budget justification that details the direct cost budget items requested. In fiscal year 2005, the NIH plans to commit approximately $2.4 million toward this program, with 8-12 supplement awards anticipated.


Applicants are encouraged to discuss their plans for responding to this Notice by phone or e-mail. Direct these inquiries to:

Dr. Deborah H. Olster
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institutes of Health
Room 256, Building 1
One Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-0186
Telephone: (301) 451-4286
Fax: (301) 402-1150

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