Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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National Metropolitan Statistical Areas - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The United States MSA Boundaries data set contains the boundaries for metropolitan statistical areas in the United States. The data set contains information on location, identification, and size. The database includes metropolitan boundaries within all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
The general concept of a metropolitan area (MA) is one of a large population nucleus, together with adjacent communities that have a high degree of economic and social integration with that nucleus. Some MAs are defined around two or more nuclei. Each MA must contain either a place with a minimum population of 50,000 or a U.S. Census Bureau-defined urbanized area and a total MA population of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New England). An MA contains one or more central counties. An MA also may include one or more outlying counties that have close economic and social relationships with the central county. An outlying county must have a specified level of commuting to the central counties and also must meet certain standards regarding metropolitan character, such as population density, urban population, and population growth. In New England, MAs consist of groupings of cities and towns rather than whole counties. The territory, population, and housing units in MAs are referred to as "metropolitan." The metropolitan category is subdivided into "inside central city" and "outside central city." The territory, population, and housing units located outside territory designated "metropolitan" are referred to as "non-metropolitan." The metropolitan and non-metropolitan classification cuts across the other hierarchies; for example, generally there are both urban and rural territory within both metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas.

Purpose: The data provide users with information about the locations, names, and sizes of MSAs primarily for national planning applications.
The MA(s) and the central cities within an MA are designated and defined by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), following a set of official standards that are published in a Federal Register Notice. The interagency Federal Executive Committee on Metropolitan Areas developed these standards, with the aim of producing definitions that are as consistent as possible for all MA(s) nationwide.

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 MSACMSA Unique identifier for each geographic entity (MSA code). Character String
3 NAME Name/identification of the geographic entity. Character String
4 ST_POSTAL U.S. Postal Service two letter state abbreviation. Character String
5 ST_POSTAL_ U.S. Postal Service two letter state abbreviation for the additional states Character String
6 LSAD List if the data was original from metropolitan area or primary metropolitan statistical areas Character String
7 CNTRLAT Centroid latitude value for the polygon expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places. Double Precision Floating Point
8 CNTRLONG Centroid longitude value for the polygon expressed as a signed integer with six implied decimal places. Double Precision Floating Point
9 STFIPS State FIPS code Character String
10 VERSION The VERSION is a 2-digit number that will be incremented for all records in the database whenever a new release is distributed. Character String

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