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Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's

New year, new hope

Sign our Proclamation to
President-elect Obama

Tell the next president
to make Alzheimer's
a national priority.


Join us at the Public Policy
Forum in March 2009

Tell elected officials that
Alzheimer's needs their
attention and research dollars.


Help advance the
Alzheimer cause

We need your support
to improve lives and
fuel research progress.


Bring the cause into
your workplace

Simple and fun ideas to
raise Alzheimer awareness
and funds at work.


Did you see warning signs this holiday season?

Learn the signs of Alzheimer's disease and what to do next.

Save 20%
Enroll in MedicAlert + Safe Return at a discount

MedicAlert® + Alzheimer's Association Safe Return® is a live 24-hour emergency response service for wandering and other medical emergencies. Offer ends Jan. 31, 2009.

What is Alzheimer's

Alzheimer basics, symptoms, treatments and more.

New Quiz
Caregiver Stress Check

Take our new quiz and get a personal list of resources to help manage stress.

Brain Tour

Learn how Alzheimer's affects the brain.

Alzheimer's Association Annual Report

We've made progress in the fight against Alzheimer's disease.

FREE! Weekly news

Sign up now for our free Alzheimer's Association e-mail news. You will receive a one-page update on advances in Alzheimer care, research, events and a brain-builder puzzle.

More volunteers needed for
clinical studies

Clinical studies power the discovery of new treatments and possible preventions. Right now, there are over 100 Alzheimer clinical studies in need of volunteers.
Learn more about participating in a study

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