
Educational and Clinical Tools for Purchase
Case Based Geriatrics Review | Doorway Thoughts | Eldercare at Home | Geriatrics At Your Fingertips | Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services | The Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus | Geriatrics Review Syllabus | GRS - Teaching Slides |

Poster Series Celebrating Aging
Elder Grace: The Nobility of Aging

Case-Based Geriatrics Review, 2nd Edition
400 Questions and Critiques from the Geriatrics Review Syllabus
CD Rom containing 400 newly revised and updated case-oriented, multiple-choice, self-study questions from several editions of the GRS

Doorway Thoughts: Cross-Cultural Health Care for Older Adults Series
AGS Members should enter coupon code ‘AGSMember’ on Jones & Bartlett website to receive an AGS member discount!

Doorway Thoughts: Cross-Cultural Health Care for Older Adults, Volume I
This book focuses on how clinicians caring for older adults can develop an understanding of different ethnic groups in order to effectively care for their patients. Chapters in this volume, which is the first in a series, address cross-cultural health care for older adults who are from one or more minority groups.

Doorway Thoughts: Cross-Cultural Health Care for Older Adults, Volume II
Addressing the role of ethnicity in health decision-making in America. Doorway Thoughts, Volume II focuses on eight more ethnic groups.

Doorway Thoughts: Cross-Cultural Health Care for Older Adults, Volume III
Volume III of Doorway Thoughts: Cross-Cultural Health Care for Older Adults will address the role of religion in health decision-making America. This book, co-authored by both religious leaders and health care professionals, will focus on how clinicians caring for older adults can develop an understanding of different religious groups in order to effectively care for their patients.

Eldercare at Home, 2nd edition   
The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging is pleased to bring you the 2nd edition of Eldercare at Home, covering the most common problems that family caregivers face when caring for an older person at home. In an effort to make this exciting new resource available to all caregivers, the FHA has published both a workbook (for individual use) and a Presentation Package (for training groups).

2008-2009 Edition of Geriatrics At Your Fingertips

Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS)
The GEMS course is an exciting new national continuing education curriculum designed for any emergency provider. GEMS will help EMS providers better assess and manage ill, injured, or disabled older patients.

The Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus, 2nd Edition

Geriatric Nursing Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Advanced Practice Geriatric Nursing (GNRS2), is a concise, up-to-date, and comprehensive text developed by the AGS in collaboration with the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing at New York University. The GNRS2 is based on the Geriatrics Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, 6th Edition and adapted for advanced practice geriatric nurses.

Geriatrics Review Syllabus, Sixth Edition (GRS6)
The fully revised Geriatrics Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, Sixth Edition (GRS6) contains the latest developments in geriatric medicine for those who wish to expand and update their knowledge in the field.

Geriatrics Review Syllabus - Teaching Slides Website
Based on the AGS Geriatrics Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine, GRS Teaching Slides includes slide presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint on numerous topics. The website is continually updated with new presentations. Two Year Subscriptions to the site include access to all of the presentations available.

Elder Grace: The Nobility of Aging
The AGS Foundation for Health in Aging Presents a New Poster Series taken from the traveling photographic exhibition of Chester Higgins Jr.

"As our population grows older and begins to sift through and reflect upon life experiences, these posters are sure to bring comfort and inspiration to many."