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Recommended Physical Activity Measures

The Physical Activity Workgroup would like to recommend that all BCC projects attempt to incorporate the stage-based activity assessment into their assessment protocol. This instrument is short and easy to administer and would allow the activity patterns of participants in different studies to be directly compared. A downloadable file is available below:

»  Staging Algorithm* (18 kb)

For specific information about the use of the Staging Algorithm, please contact:

Claudio Nigg, University of Hawaii at Manoa,

In studies assessing physical activity as a primary outcome measure, we also recommend the inclusion of a secondary measure of physical activity. The supplementary measure can either be from an objective monitoring device or from another self-report measure. The inclusion of this additional measure would help to validate the data from the primary outcome measure or allow for a triangulation of outcomes. A listing of selected instruments used in the current BCC sites is included below. Additional information and downloadable versions of the instruments are attached if available. Groups are also encouraged to consult the supplement in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise [29(6), 1997] for copies of other instruments.

Children & Adolescents:



For general information about the use of these measures in BCC projects, please contact either workgroup co-chair:

Terry Bazzarre,
Barbara Resnick,

* Please Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat to open this file (see below).
If you would like a copy of the original MSWord file, please contact Trish Jordan directly.

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