Activities II -- Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen

Childlike drawing of a child offering a seat on the bus to an adult male with crutches.

Magic Words, Caring Deeds

Good manners are a part of showing respect for others. Using games to reinforce manners provides children with the practice they need to learn manners without embarrassing themselves—or us.

What to Do

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There's a Monster in My Room!

Sometimes children develop fears that may seem silly or unreasonable. Nonetheless, the fears are real for them, and they need to find ways to overcome them.

What to Do

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We don't always act the way we should in front of our children.

What to Do

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Stand Up for Yourself

A part of self-respect is not tolerating mistreatment by others.

What to Do

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Helping Out

Children need to learn that as they get older and can contribute more, additional responsibilities will be placed on them.

What to Do

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More Than Chores

Explain to your child that doing chores is only one kind of responsibility. Being responsible also means answering for actions and words, being dependable and trustworthy, and using good judgment. Let your child know that showing these qualities is a good sign he is growing up and can be trusted with more responsibilities.

What to Do

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This page last modified—March 26, 2003 (pjk).

Last Modified: 10/08/2003