The national UNOS membership is divided into 11 geographic regions. This regional structure was developed to:

  • facilitate organ allocation
  • provide individuals with the opportunity to identify concerns regarding organ procurement, allocation and transplantation that are unique to their particular geographic area

Each region holds at least two meetings per year and presents informational forums for transplant professionals and patients. The members in each region elect a regional councilor and an associate regional councilor, and each region is assigned a UNOS staff administrator to assist in coordinating regional activities with the regional councilors. Additionally, each region is represented on the Board of Directors and on each of the standing committees.

To view a regional profile, click a region on the map:

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Region 11 All Regions
Did you know?
Organs are first offered to patients within the area in which they were donated* before being offered to other parts of the country in order to:
* reduce organ preservation time
* improve organ quality and survival outcomes
* reduce costs incurred by the transplant patient
* increase access to transplantation
*With the exception of perfectly matched donor kidneys.
View upcoming regional events *
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