Currently, UNOS members include transplant hospitals, organ procurement organizations and independent histocompatibility laboratories in the United States, as well as voluntary health organizations, such as the American Diabetes Association; general public members, such as ethicists and donor family members; and medical professional and scientific organizations, such as the American Medical Association.

Currently, UNOS has five classes of membership: Institutional Members, Medical/Scientific Members, Public Organization Members, Business Members and Individual Members. The detailed descriptions for the classes of membership are described in the By-Laws, Article I.

Membership means that upon completion of the prescribed application process and satisfaction of applicable requirements, the organization or individual has demonstrated compliance with all applicable UNOS membership criteria.

Individuals from member organizations participate in the decision-making process through representation on committees and on the Board of Directors.

As of January 15, 2009, UNOS membership included the following:
(Click on the member type to search for individual members.)

Type of UNOS Member Number
Transplant Centers 253
Organ Procurement Organizations ** 58
Independent 50  
Hospital Based 8  
Histocompatibility Laboratories ** 153
Independent 57  
Hospital Based 96  
Public Organizations 9
Individual Members 7
Medical Scientific Organizations 21
Business Members 1
Total 398

** NOTE: There are 8 UNOS members that operate both transplant centers and in-house OPOs and 96 that operate both transplant centers and in-house histocompatibility laboratories. These members are included in the count of transplant centers, operating OPOs, and/or laboratories. For this reason, the total number of members is less than the sum of the different categories.
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