National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers

November 27–28, 2007, Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Theme: “Mentoring is Everybody’s Business” – MRC Greenwood, Ph.D.


Poster Titles and First Authors

  1. Mentoring Model of UPR Master in Clinical Research Program
    Adriana Báez, University of Puerto Rico

  2. The Advanced Research Institute (ARI) in Geriatric Mental Health Blind
    Martha Bruce, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University

  3. (not presented)

  4. Faculty Mentorship Program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
    Norma Cuellar, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

  5. (not presented)

  6. Academic Advancement of Women in Medicine: A Facilitated Peer Mentoring Model
    Julia A. Files, Mayo Clinic

  7. A Study of Mentoring and Social Support in Medical Residents
    Freda Giblin, Wayne State University

  8. Establishing Women in Medicine and Science Student Organizations: Supporting Future Women Physicians and Scientists
    Coral Hampton, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Medicine

  9. The Arizona Cancer Center (AZCC) Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Program’s R25 Postdoctoral Training Program
    Lisa Hess, Arizona Cancer Center (AZCC), University of Arizona

  10. Mentoring in Medicine
    Lynne Holden, Mentoring in Medicine

  11. Web-based Tools for Effective Mentoring
    Rebecca R. Kameny, The 3-C Institute for Social Development

  12. “See One, Do One, Teach One”
    Tracy L. Marx, Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine (OUCOM)

  13. Functional Mentoring: Defining Outcomes and Measuring Success
    Robert J. Milner, Penn State College of Medicine

  14. The E-Mentoring Network for Diversity in Engineering and Science
    Carol B. Muller, MentorNet

  15. The Association for Women in Science
    Lilian G. Perez, Association for Women in Science

  16. Improving Research Experiences: The Merits of Training Mentors
    Christine Pfund, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  17. The RAISE Project
    Stephanie Pincus, Society for Women’s Health Research

  18. An Ecological Model of Interdisciplinary Mentoring
    Sheryl B. Ruzek, Department of Public Health, College of Health Professions, Temple University

  19. University of California, San Francisco’s Faculty Mentoring Program
    W. Sue Shafer, Community Health Education Team, Emergency Communication System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  20. (not presented)

  21. NSF ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award
    Barb Silver, University of Rhode Island (URI)

  22. Multifaceted Mentoring for Minority Researchers to Address HIV Health Disparities: Local Response for Global Impact
    Carmen D. Zorrilla, University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus

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This page last updated: December 4, 2007