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Delaware River Basin Commission
Watershed Advisory Council

Ground Rules

Revised per May 14-15, 2001
Watershed Advisory Council Workshop Discussion

I. Objective

The Watershed Advisory Council was established by the Delaware River Basin Commission, Resolution No. 99-23, to advise the Commission on the development of a basinwide comprehensive water resources plan. The Resolution states that the Council will:

II. Term

The council will expire when it has completed its assigned task of developing a recommended comprehensive water resources plan for the basin by December 2003.

III. Membership and Responsibilities

  1. Council members will be appointed by the Executive Director based upon recommendations by the DRBC Commissioners.

  2. If a member wishes to withdraw from the Council he or she will notify the Executive Director. Before withdrawing the member will report to the Council the reasons for withdrawing.

  3. Council members are strongly encouraged to nominate an alternate. It is the responsibility of the Council member to keep the alternate informed of Council activities and decisions.

  4. Council members and alternates are listed in Attachment A.

  5. Council members represent a broad spectrum of interests, including but not limited to technical, scientific, academic, agriculture, economic development, industry, water and wastewater utility, water authority, government, fisheries, tourism, recreation, and environmental interests.

  6. In the event a Council member withdraws, the Executive Director will consult with the Council about whether to appoint a new member and whom to appoint.

  7. Members participate on the Council as individuals and are free to express their individual viewpoints. Members are encouraged to bring the views of their respective constituents and/or organizations to the Council process.

  8. Each Council member will make a good faith effort to attend all Council meetings. If spotty participation at Council meetings results in lack of sector representation, the Executive Director will take action to address the problem.

IV. Steering Committee [The Council is uncertain about whether a Steering Committee is desirable and will take up this issue at the July 24 meeting]

  1. The Steering Committee will include representatives from different sectors represented on the Council.
    1. (List sectors)

  2. The Steering Committee will endeavor to ensure that all Council interests are considered when conducting its business.

  3. The Steering Committee will meet as needed to discuss governance issues, scheduling, Council agendas, strategic linkages in the work allocated to the advisory committees , and administrative issues, such as selection of the facilitation and technical teams. The role of the Steering Committee generally will be to provide guidance so that the DRBC staff, facilitator, and advisory/ad hoc committee chairs are able to keep the planning process moving forward in a strategic and orderly fashion.

V. Meetings and Decision Making

  1. Council meeting agendas will be developed by the facilitator in consultation with the Steering Committee, the DRBC Executive Director and DRBC staff. Draft agendas will be distributed to the Council for review and comment.

  2. Council meeting materials will be distributed to Council Members at least 14 days in advance of Council meetings whenever possible.

  3. The Council will operate by consensus whenever possible. Consensus is defined as "each member (or alternate) present can 'live with' the recommendation being considered by the Council. Consensus does not connote 100 per cent agreement on every issue, but rather, support for the recommendations, taken as a whole.

  4. All recommendations will be forwarded to the Commission through the Executive Director. The report to the Commission will indicate whether there was consensus on the recommendation, or whether there was disagreement.

  5. In the event that consensus cannot be reached, a report will be forwarded to the Commission, through the Executive Director. The report will be written by the facilitator in consultation with the Council members to describe the issue from all vantage points, including recommendations to address the issue.

  6. All Council meetings are open to the public. Meeting schedules will be publicized on the DRBC web site.

  7. At Council meetings the parties who wish to speak (Council members, advisory committee members, DRBC staff, commissioner liaisons) will be recognized first by the facilitator.

  8. Advisory committee members are welcome at Council meetings and encouraged to participate in Council discussions; however, they will not be asked to be part of the Council consensus decision making process.

  9. A summary of each Council meeting will be prepared by DRBC staff or the facilitator. The meeting summary will be drafted, reviewed by the Council, and finalized after comments are incorporated. Final meeting summaries will be available to the public on the DRBC web site.

  10. [name(s)] will serve as the facilitator(s) and will work to ensure that the process runs smoothly. The role of the facilitator usually includes developing draft agendas, facilitating Council and working group meetings, working to resolve any impasses that may arise, preparing meeting summaries, and performing other functions at the request of the Council or DRBC staff. The facilitator(s) will not take positions on the issues before the Council and will serve at the will of the Council.

VI. Safeguards

  1. All members and alternates agree to participate in good faith and with respect for the concerns of the other participants.

  2. Any member may withdraw from the Council at any time without prejudice, in accordance with III.B above.

  3. Participants may describe issues and proposals under discussion and their own views about these topics. Participants will rely on meeting summaries to the extent possible and will refer questions about the views of others to those participants. No participant will characterize the position of any other party in public statements or in discussions with the press.

  4. Inquiries from the press about the Comprehensive Planning process will be forwarded to the DRBC Public Information Officer.

VII. Relationships of Watershed Advisory Council to DRBC Advisory Committees in Preparation of the Comprehensive Water Resources Plan

[To be added in the future.]

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