Written Communications Skills (NIH Only)


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Air date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 1:00:00 PM
Category: NIH Only
Description: We all know the importance of good writing to a scientific career. This new three-hour workshop is for any NIH trainee who wants to improve his/her writing at the most basic level. The examples-based workshop will feature:

•a hands-on review of grammar, punctuation, and word usage (including, for example, subject-verb agreement, active vs. passive voice, split infinitives, agreement of pronoun and antecedent, commas, semicolons, colons, and more exotic punctuation);
•tips on writing and editing the perfect e-mail correspondence; and
•advice on organizing, writing, and editing a coherent cover letter (e.g., to accompany a resume or manuscript submission).

Individuals planning to attend may wish to purchase the recommended course text, CliffsQuickReview Writing: Grammar, Usage, and Style, in advance from the FAES Bookstore.
Author: Marguerite Meitzler, professional writer and editor
Runtime: 180 minutes
CIT File ID: 14707
CIT Live ID: 7242
Permanent link: http://videocast.nih.gov/launch.asp?14707