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IACP/ LOGIN Excellence in Victim Services Award

Jointly sponsored by the IACP’s Victim Services Committee and LogIn Inc, the Excellence in Victim Services Award (EVSA) recognizes law enforcement agencies that demonstrate excellence in providing innovative service to crime victims by successfully integrating current best practices of enhanced victim response into all facets of their organizations. The award recognizes agencies that best exemplify an organizational philosophy of placing victims at the center of their problem-solving efforts, utilizing effective partnerships, training methods and performance monitoring tools to enhance response to victims of crime.

All law enforcement agencies worldwide (private corporations or individuals are excluded) can compete for the award by demonstrating that an innovative approach in meeting the needs of crime victims within their communities has been created, and has either been or is in the process of being fully implemented into the agency. Annually, three awards will be given, one for each agency category: small, medium and large, determined by the number of sworn officers within the department.

Agencies who are interested in applying for the 2009 award should review the award guidelines (attached below) for details and complete each of the application pieces, which include the following:

  • Cover letter signed by the Chief Executive of the agency
  • Application Form (attached below)
  • One Page Executive Summary
  • Detailed Project Narrative
  • Supporting Documents and Attachments

Agencies competing must submit a completed nomination packet, which must be postmarked no later than April 10, 2009 and mailed to the IACP.

One representative from each winning agency will receive a trip to the 116th Annual IACP Conference to be held October 3-7, 2009 in Denver, Colorado.The trip includes complimentary conference registration, transportation costs, three nights of hotel lodging, and meals during the stay.

To request additional nomination forms or more information, please contact Keely McCarthy at or call (800) 843–4227 ext. 810

Click here for more information on Victim Services initiatives at the IACP.

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