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Smoke Free Soccer: Coaches Manual


Pressure/cover defending drill [see explanation below]


Every time your players smoke cigarettes, they inhale toxic poisons into their lungs. Soccer is a sport that rewards those who are in the best physical condition. Here’s an activity where those who are in the best shape will triumph more often than not.

The Game

  1. Two vs. two, with goals marked out in the corner of the grid.
  2. Play a regular game with periods of about 2-3 minutes in duration.
  3. Have extra balls ready to keep the game flowing.

Coaching Points

  1. Pressure on the ball, do not allow first attacker’s head to come up.
  2. Second defender must cover the goal, as well as be aware of the second attacker.
  3. First defender tries to channel attacker into the sideline, away from the second attacker. (This is easier to do since the goals are in the corners of the field, the sideline comes up quicker.)
  4. When first defender has made the play predictable, second defender tries to double-team.
  5. Make sure the defenders stay balanced and do not become too spread out, enabling the  attacking team to make splitting passes.
  6. As soon as the ball is won, they can shoot. This is the best time to do so because the attacking team is not in a good defending position.




Page last updated 02/28/2007