We have a Theory about our Mathematicians

NSA Mathematicians spend their days focusing on some of today's most distinctive challenges and problems. They apply Number Theory, Group Theory, Finite Field Theory, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Combinatorics, and more. We encourage our Mathematicians to participate in interdisciplinary assignments and train with professionals in such fields as Computer Science and Signals Analysis.

Your education is far from complete when you join NSA. Both formal and informal seminars are routinely organized among our scholars to study specific, timely, Mathematics-related topics, while professional organizations sponsor regular discussions on issues of broader interest.

Career Paths in Mathematics
NSA Mathematicians apply their skills to such tasks as:

Transcripts are required when applying for Mathematics positions.

To apply for a position in the Mathematics field, click on the Apply Online button. Under Basic Job Search, enter “Math” as the keyword then click the Search button. Add Mathematician to the Job Basket and click on Apply Now.