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President Signs Parity into Law

On October 3, 2008, President Bush signed HR 1424 into law.  This bill, commonly known as the Wall Street "bailout bill" included a previously approved tax extenders bill as well as the compromise parity legislation.  Most plans will begin implementing the new requirements in January 2010.  For more information on this historic legislation, read visit the, a research tool provided by the Library of Congress.  [Read HR 1424]

House Passes FDA Tobacco Regulation Legislation

On July 30, 2008, the US House of Representatives passed HR 1108, legislation that would allow the FDA to regulate tobacco products.  This bill must now clear the Senate and, subsequently, the President's desk.  Advocates are hopeful that the Senate will take up HR 1108 in September.

Senate Passes Medicare Update Legislation

On July 9, 2008, the Senate passed HR 6331,  the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, by what advocates of the bill hope is a veto proof majority.  President Bush has indicated that he will veto this bill if the "pay for" includes cuts to Medicare Advantage plans.  While the primary focus of this bill was to avert the July 1, 2008, 10.6% Medicare physician payment cuts (physician payments will increase by .5% in 2008 and by 1.1% in 2009), this bill also gradually phases out discrminatory copayments for outpatient mental health benefits by 2014.  

Support the Whole Health Campaign

 ASAM has joined with more than 40 national organizations to sponsor the Whole Health Campaign -- calling on the presidential candidates and their parties to make mental illness and addiction an integral part of any health care reform. You can learn more about the campaign at

The Whole Health Campaign, in collaboration with campaign partner Join Together, has developed an easy-to-use online petition to collect signatures from Americans who want the candidates and political parties to recognize the importance of mental health and substance use issues. The campaign will deliver the petitions to both major presidential candidates and political party platform committees later this summer.  [Sign the Petition]

 President Bush Signs Second Chance Act of 2007

On April 9, 2008, President Bush signed H.R. 1593, the Second Chance Act of 2007.  This law expands provisions for state and local services that facilitate adult and juvenile offenders reentering into society.  Programs authorized by this bill include, but are not limited to, mental health, drug and alcohol treatment programs, job training and education programs, and mentoring services.  [Second Chance Act of 2007


ASAM Advocacy

The American Society of Addiction Medicine tries to serve its members in many ways.  We believe that one of the most important ways to serve our membership is by helping them to play an active role in shaping government policies that affect their livelihoods and the livelihoods of their patients.


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National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month 

 Photos of Workplace, Community, Health System and Schools

Promising Practices to Fight Chronic Disease
Photos of Workplace, Community, Health System and Schools
Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease


Advocacy Action Items



Support the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, H.R. 1108 

On July 30, 2008, the US House of Representatives passed legislation that authorizes the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products.  The Senate has not yet taken up this bill.  Please urge your US Senators to vote on this important legislation!  [Contact your U.S. Senator] 






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