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January 8, 2009

This Week In Coalitions Online...

CADCA Mourns Passing of Founding Chair Alvah Chapman
Last month, Alvah H. Chapman, Jr., CADCA Founding Chair, former Publisher of the Miami Herald and former Chairman and CEO of Knight-Ridder, Inc., died of pneumonia at age 87. In addition to being a long-time newspaper executive, Chapman was a highly regarded philanthropist and civic leader, and was particularly active in Miami, where he led recovery efforts after Hurricane Andrew.

Forum Highlight: Engaging Physicians in Drug and Alcohol Prevention Efforts
While many are good at talking to doctors about their own health problems, too often community prevention leaders are intimidated from engaging physicians in their local substance abuse prevention efforts. However, experts say that for the most part physicians want to get involved in their community. The key is, knowing how to approach them.

Attorneys General Sign Settlement to Discontinue Sparks Drink
In a victory for substance abuse prevention organizations, in December Attorneys General from 13 states announced an agreement reached with MillerCoors that will result in the nationwide discontinuance of best-selling alcoholic energy drink, Sparks. As part of the agreement, MillerCoors also agreed not to produce any caffeinated alcohol beverages in the future.

NIDA Report Highlights Link Between Addiction and Mental Illness
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released a research report entitled, Comorbidity: Addiction and Other Mental Illnesses, summarizing the state of the science regarding the complex relationship between substance abuse and other mental disorders.

Deadline for Capitol Hill Day Appointment Requests Extended Until Jan 23
The deadline to submit your form for Capitol Hill Day Appointments has been extended two weeks until Friday, January 23rd, 2008. Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity to meet with your Members of Congress and/or their staffs to educate them on the successes of your coalition and the critical role that substance abuse prevention plays in your community!

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CADCA Calendar
National Leadership Forum XIX
Washington, DC
National Leadership Forum XIX
Washington, DC
National Leadership Forum XIX
Washington, DC
National Leadership Forum XIX
Washington, DC
Mid-Year Training Institute
Louisville, KY
CADCA Calendar